creating a
healthier future
Susana Junqueira Neto
Visiting Scientists

Susana Junqueira Neto graduated in Biology at the University of Porto and obtained an MSc in Molecular Oncology at Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute (ICBAS). Her master thesis was developed at the Portuguese Oncology Institute of Porto (IPO-Porto), under the frame of a Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro research grant. She joined Ipatimup in 2013, where she worked in several FCT-funded research projects in the field of oncology. Afterwards, she joined the Intercellular Communication and Cancer research group at i3S and was granted with an FCT PhD scholarship. As a PhD student from the Biomedicine program from the Faculty of Medicine from University of Porto (FMUP), she is now finishing her PhD thesis on the role of intercellular communication in disease progression and acquisition of resistance to therapy in lung cancer.