creating a
healthier future
André Albergaria
Team Coordinator
André Albergaria is a researcher specialized in Molecular Oncology at IPATIMUP. His scientific expertise is focused on epigenetic regulatory mechanisms in breast cancer, cancer therapy resistance, and on biomarker discovery. Graduated in Biology, he obtained his Master degree in Molecular Oncology from the Faculty of Medicine of Porto University and holds the Certificate from the Training Programme in Pharmaceutical Medicine (PharmaTrain Centre of Excellence), a programme that provide competences to work through drug development and pharma regulatory processes. André holds a PhD from the Institute of Health and Life Sciences from University of Minho and was a PhD resident at the Imperial College School of Medicine of London, UK, between 2006 and 2008. André has a Mini-MBA in BioBusiness, from AMC Graduate School and Amsterdam BioMed Cluster, Netherlands and holds a position as an Investment Consultant in the LifeSciences & MedTech team of the company Portugal Ventures. During the last 14 years of scientific career André has published more than 30 papers in peer-reviewed international journals. Actually, André is also a Professor at Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto and is the Head of the IPATIMUP Translational Research Unit, a group that work on the interface between the health care/pharma industry, clinicians and IPATIMUP?s research teams.