creating a
healthier future
Débora Moreira
PhD Student
Débora Moreira enrolled on Bioengineering Integrated Master at University of Porto (Faculty of Engineering in cooperation with Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar) in 2012 and specialized on Molecular Biotechnology. In 2016, under Erasmus+ programme, Débora integrated IZN (Interdisciplinary center of neuroscience) group under the supervision of Prof. Schuster, in Heidelberg's University. In this time, she studied the mechanisms of synaptic plasticity, neuronal network function and the role of signalling peptides and amines in learning, memory and behaviour. Débora is currently working in her master thesis at I3S, under the supervision of Dr. Ana Paula Pêgo and co-supervision of Dr. Sofia Santos. She is focused on the development of an in vitro model of the blood brain barrier (BBB).