creating a
healthier future
Patrícia Silva
PhD Student
Patrícia graduated in Biomedical Engineering (Msc) at ESB-UCP with Distinction. During her bachelor, she went to the University of Twente (Netherlands) to conduct a research in cartilage regeneration using ASC and a dextran-based hydrogels, at Developmental BioEngineering group. During the first year of her master, she applied for a one year internship at Microenvironments for New Therapies group, where she worked on modeling immune response in different biomaterials during fibrosis. For her master thesis, she integrated Molly Stevens' at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, where she focused her work on understanding the effect of matrix-related cues on EMT. Now, she was awarded with a  FCT phD scholarship for studying a high throughput 3D model that combines the epithelial and stromal breast compartments, and associated EMT processes, under the supervision of Cristina Barrias in collaboration with Molly Stevens, from Imperial College London, and Joana Paredes, from IPATIMUP.