creating a
healthier future
Marília Torrado
PhD Student
Marília Torrado got her MSc degree in Bioengineering with specialization in the field of Molecular Biotechnology from the University of Porto, Portugal, in 2016. The experimental work required to conclude her MSc degree was conducted at the Department of Biomedicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto. Her work was focused on identifying relevant molecular targets and effects of Botulinum Toxins (BoNTs) in different in-vitro and in-vivo models. In 2017, she joined the nanoBiomaterials for Targeted Therapies group (nBTT) at i3S to work on the development of neuroprotective therapies to be applied in the context of stroke, using nanobiomaterials as drug delivery systems. Currently, Marília is a PhD student in the same group, where she is exploring nanocarriers functionalized with BoNT domains to achieve a neuroprotective therapy.