creating a
healthier future
Judite Novais Barbosa
Senior Researcher

Judite Novais Barbosa is an Assistant Professor at the Anatomy Department of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar (ICBAS) of the University of Porto (UP) and Researcher at  i3S – Institute of Research and Innovation in Health, UP. Judite has graduated in Microbiology at the Faculty of Biotechnology of the Portuguese Catholic University in 1997 and received her PhD in Engineering Sciences at the Faculty of Engineering of the UP in 2005. In 2016, she has received the Aggregation title in Biomedical Sciences from ICBAS, UP. Judite’s research work is focused on the biological response observed after the implantation of a biomaterial, specifically on the inflammatory response. She is also interested in the modulation of this response with a specific focus on the role of macrophages and in the development of immunomodulatory biomaterials, with the aim of creating a pro-regenerative microenvironment.