creating a
healthier future
Diana Meireles
PhD Student

Diana Meireles finished a degree in Medicinal Chemistry (2017) and a Master in Laboratory Clinical Biology (2019) at Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. During her master, she integrated the Group of Molecular Microbiology (IBMC/i3S) where she studied the role of wall teichoic acid glycosylations in Gram-positive pathogens resistance to antimicrobial peptides and in the anchoring of virulence factors to their surface. Since then, Diana became deeply interested to explore the host-pathogen interplay. Nowadays, she is fully dedicated to her PhD project that intends to identify and to characterize signals sensed by the major foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes to control the expression of virulence regulators and thus promote infection.