creating a
healthier future
Carla Sofia Oliveira

Carla has a degree in Psychology (University of Coimbra, PT, 2002) and a MSc in Gerontology - Family and Community Intervention (University of the Aveiro, PT, 2015). She has worked for several years with elders and families in institutional and community contexts. She has been interested in intergenerational family relationships, psychosocial experiences of individuals and families with hereditary illness, health literacy and family and community interventions. Her previous research focused on the role of the older generations, in families with Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy (FAP), in promoting health behaviors and their impact on younger family members. Currently she is doing a FCT – funded PhD (Ref.: SFRH/BD/131925/2017), integrated in the Doctoral Programme of Gerontology and Geriatrics from (ICBAS and University of Aveiro, PT), entitled “Between_Generations: intra and inter-generational transmission of health behaviors, in families with history of hereditary disease”. As a researcher she is also integrated in CINTESIS (AgeingC) and UA.