creating a
healthier future
Cláudia Rodrigues
PhD Student

Cláudia Rodrigues has a BSc degree in Applied Biology and a MSc degree in Health Sciences by the University of Minho. She developed her Master Thesis entitled “Immunometabolic control of antifungal innate immunity” at the Microbiology and Infection Research Domain of the Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Medicine, University of Minho. After her Master, she worked as a research fellow in the same lab during one year. During her stay at ICVS/UMinho, she participated as a researcher in several national and internactional funded projects that contributed to her multidisciplinary background.

In February 2020, Cláudia joined the Immunology, Cancer & GlycoMedicine Group coordinated by Salomé Pinho at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (i3S), working as a research trainee under the project “Glycome as a predictor of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) development”.

Currently, she is a PhD student in Biomedical Sciencies at University of Porto,ICBAS, and she is focused in understanding the potential role of glycans in the modulation of the intestinal microbiome and immunity and how it can be applied as new preventive therapies in IBD.