creating a
healthier future
Silvia Ferreira
Associate Researcher

Silvia A. Ferreira, Assistant Investigator at i3S (FCT Scientific Employment Stimulus), has a background in pharmaceutical sciences (BSc 2007, MSci 2011, University of Porto), nanomedicine (PhD 2012, University of Minho) and regenerative medicine (Research Associate 2012/21, King's College London and Imperial College London). She has developed expertise in advanced therapies, biomaterials, cell-matrix interactions, cellular crosstalk, mechanobiology, stem cell biology, basic immunology and neovascularization.

Silvia has accomplished many ambitious projects, pioneered techniques and built a reputation as an efficient student supervisor, collaborator and consultant with biomedical industries. She has secured awards and grants (e.g., Wellcome Trust ISSF Springboard Fellowship in 2019), presented at leading conferences (e.g., Gordon Conferences) and published in interdisciplinary journals (e.g., Nature Protocols, Nature Communications and Biomaterials).

As coordinator of the ‘Imperial Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Network’ and ‘London Stem Cell Network’ (>1500 members; 2019/22), she has organised symposiums and workshops that lead to cross-sector synergies for securing competitive funding. She has organised many outreach/public engagement activities, played a central role in Postdoc & Fellow Committees and contributed with ideas for improving NHLI’s Research Culture, Athena SWAN Plans and Imperial’s Concordat & Action Plan in 2021.

Ciência ID 4415-5D2C-1303 / ORCID 0000-0001-7837-3040 / Google Scholar / LinkedIn