creating a
healthier future
Inês Castro Almeida
Research fellow

Inês has a degree in Biochemistry from the University of Beira Interior, since 2021, where she had the opportunity to do an internship in the ERASMUS + program, at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University of Oxford in the same year. Here, she participated as a lab assistant in projects that aimed to study the modeling of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) in different pathological contexts. She recently got her master's thesis at I3S, in the Clinical Biochemistry master's program from the University of Aveiro. Currently, Inês stands as a Research Fellow in the Immune Sensing & Signaling Dynamics group at the same institute. Her current focus revolves around unraveling the intricacies of AHR in drug sensing, aiming to comprehend the impact of this interaction on treatment efficacy.