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healthier future
Miguel Melo
Clinical Affiliate Member
Miguel Melo, is an Endocrinologist working at the University and Hospital Center of Coimbra, Portugal. He is also an Invited Professor of Endocrinology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Coimbra and an affiliated researcher at the Institute of Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (Ipatimup) ? Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Sáude (I3S), Portugal. His main fields of interest are thyroid oncology and diabetes. During the last years he has worked on clinical, pathological, biochemical and molecular markers of prognosis in patients with follicular cell-derived thyroid carcinomas; this research has been conducted in the three institutions previously mentioned. In the last two years we developed a special interest on the role of TERT promoter mutations has a prognosis biomarker in thyroid cancer; this work was mainly done at Ipatimup, under the supervision of Professor Paula Soares (Cancer Biology Group Leader), and contributed to establish TERT promoter mutations as a major prognostic factor in differentiated thyroid carcinomas. The other field Miguel developed a special interest in is diabetes, in which he has performed clinical and translational research. He is author of 26 papers (including book chapters) in peer-reviewed publications, mainly addressing prognostic markers in thyroid cancer, with over 100 citations and an h-index of 4. At the present time he is on the board of directors of the Portuguese Endocrine Society, and a member of many other scientific societies, including the European Society of Endocrinology, the European Thyroid Association and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. He also collaborates with the editorial board of several scientific journals as a reviewer.