creating a
healthier future
José Pedro Castro
Associate Researcher

José Pedro Quinta Araújo Castro completed his PhD in Biomedicine in 2015 by Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina. He then moved to the German Institute of Human Nutrition and joined the Grune Lab (Berlin, Germany) to study how age-related redox and metabolism changes impact the adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. After completing his aims, he was awarded with the prestigious DFG Max-Kade fellowship and moved to Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA) where he joined the Gladyshev Lab. There, he explored the genetics of aging, age-related diseases and lifespan control from a systems biology perspective. Recently, and after returning to Portugal, he has joined Logarinho Lab at I3S (Porto, Portugal) after being awarded with the FCT CEEC 5th Edition for Assistant Researcher. Published over 25 articles in peer-reviewed journals. Organized 1 event. Supervised 1 PhD thesis. Supervised 2 MSc dissertations. Supervised 3 works of course completion of LSc/BSc. Has received 8 awards and/or honors, including Early Research Career Award (2010) and Young Investigator Award (2013). He is a reviewer for several scientific journals and a review editor for Redox Biology. His focus lies on understanding the biology of aging and age-related diseases. Using a combination of experimental and computational approaches he is now keen to unravel age-related molecular and cellular mechanisms by which cells and tissues lose their identity and function over time, contributing to emergent disease states. He is also an assistant professor for Immunology and an invited professor for Biogerontology and Aging and Nutrition.