Careers in Science and beyond, 20-21 October 2016 at i3S Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde da Universidade do Porto

Social Responsability

Social responsibility towards the environment

A responsible scientist ensures a sustainable future.
As we are aware of environmental issues, and of the impact of moving people around the world, we decided to enroll in the project “100 mil árvores” promoted by Câmara Municipal do Porto, as the green contribute to our event.
Three different trees, with a marked impact to science and society, will be planted upon the closing session of this event:
- Quercus suber (Sobreiro/Cork Oak), that was used in the microscopic observations by R. Hooke that coined the term cell in 1665;
- Taxus baccata (Teixo/Yew), from which is possible to extract taxol (paclitaxel) currently used in chemotherapy for diverse cancer treatments;
- Crataaegus monogyna (Pilriteiro/Hawthorn), still used both in traditional and modern medicine to treat cardiovascular problems such as arrhythmia, tachycardia.

You are welcome to participate in the plantation, and to be a part of the commitment that we have towards a better environment and, ultimately, a better society.

For further information:



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