creating a
healthier future


Ana Magalhães was handed a Pfizer award for Clinical Research, worth €30K.
The Portuguese Hematology Society distinguished Rui Bergantim for his project set on finding less in...
Joana Carvalho Pereira was awarded an honorable mention for her efforts to discover therapeutic targ...
Discovery of a molecular biomarker earned research group led by Salomé Pinho the Nucleus for the Study of Autoimmune Diseases.
The former President of the i3S Board of Directors was awarded for his contributions to Education and Science.
Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer prevention project wins research award.


XXXI Porto Cancer Meeting
The XXXI Porto Cancer Meeting will focus on the intricacies of cancer cell connections and its implications in cancer development and progression.
ImmunoHUB & NCBio ERA Chairs Annual Meeting 2024
We are thrilled to bring together leading experts in the field of neuroimmunology to discuss cutting-edge discoveries and advancements.

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