creating a
healthier future

Job Opportunities

i3S Association is an integrative institute that follows a synergic human resources strategy, which is essential for the institute's sustainable growth. Regardless of the position to which you may be applying, you will find i3S to be a rich and dynamic institution that offers you every condition to thrive professionally and personally, and to be an integral part of a global effort to advance knowledge and fight disease.

Besides observing and enforcing a comprehensive Code of Conduct in the Workplace (PT | EN), i3S is committed to the HR Excellence in Research and to the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
Every recruiting process is conducted following the Portuguese labor code, and selection criteria that prioritize merit and transparency, as well as a non-discrimination and equal access policy. Research fellowships tender admissions follow the procedures described the i3S Regulation for Studentships and Fellowships (PT | EN).
The FCT Regulation for Research Fellowships applies to all fellowships directly or indirectly financed by FCT.

Find a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQS) by candidates applying for job opportunities with the responses.


For more information about our funding sources, please refer to the Funding & Sponsoring page.

Open Positions

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Research Technician
Contrato a termo incerto /Contract for unspecified duration
Area: Life Sciences
Salary Range: €1.448,64
Reference: Lab_Assistant/Proj_FCT2020/i3S/2210/2024
Institution: Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde - Universidade do Porto
Project: Programa Mind para doentes oncológicos: Ensaio controlado randomizado para o teste de custo-efetividade e eficácia na mudança de indicadores psicológicos e biológicos em mulheres com carcinoma da mama
Submission Open: 2024.10.22
Submission Deadline: 2024.11.05
