creating a
healthier future

Market Consultation

Invitation to Suppliers of R&D Goods and Services

i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde da Universidade do Porto - Associação is an institution dedicated to scientific research and technological development, whose core mission is to promote research in Life Sciences and Biomedicine at the highest international level, to provide postgraduate training to young researchers in these areas and to encourage technology transfer and public engagement with science.

The acquisition of goods and services by i3S follows a policy of maximizing the quality/cost ratio, while ensuring technical suitability for specific protocols and techniques to be carried out both within the scope of the different ongoing research projects and of the activity of its internal services.

Considering the need and interest in providing its laboratories and services with the necessary means for the development of their R&D activity, i3S announces that it accepts the submission of updated price lists of goods and services to be used in future procurements.

i3S stresses that it bases its acquisitions on the principles of equality, fair competition, transparency, advertising and good faith.
