Committee for Ethical and Responsible Conduct of Research
i3S is committed to upholding responsible conduct of research and of service provision. With these standards in mind, i3S has already implemented a series of codes or abides by regulations and decrees, such as:
- Compliance with Decreto-Lei 80/2018 (revision of Decreto-Lei nr. 97/95); Clinical Research Ethics Committees
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR – EU)
- Compliance with Código Ético de Conduta Académica da UPorto
- Strict observance of the i3S Authorship Guidelines
Other guiding documents are:
- Compliance with The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
- Declaration on research integrity in responsible research and innovation
As of now, i3S runs a supervising and counselling committee for ethical and responsible conduct of research.
CECRI (Comissão de Ética e Conduta Responsável na Investigação | Committee for Ethical and Responsible Conduct of Research) aims to establish and ingrain in i3S a culture of responsible conduct; this is mostly an advisory and educational body, which combines ethical aspects and issues of scientific integrity and should soon expand by including a management office appointed to handle matters related to ethics and integrity. CECRI and corresponding management office are bound to:
- Disseminate and supervise the implementation of the University of Porto’s Ethical Code for Responsible Conduct of Research;
- Establish the general principles to be heeded by the institution with regard to the proper responsible conduct of research;
- Offer an expert perspective on the observance of ethical regulations and responsible conduct of research whenever research projects or protocols are up for approval that entails the collection and/or use of human material or data;
- Coordinate with the existing Animal Welfare and Ethics Committee;
- Identify other organs with authority to follow through with approval procedures, such as data protection, animal use, research in a clinical setting and so forth;
- Review approval processes carried out by external structures of projects including significant participation of i3S groups or researchers;
- Oversee the development of projects and procedures authorized by the Committee or external entities;
- Oversee the implementation of internal guidelines in responsible conduct of research;
- Promote training actions on vital areas pertaining to bioethics and responsible conduct of research, as well as other scientific activities and consequent results dissemination;
- Promote other discussion initiatives centred on ethical and responsible conduct of research issues relevant to the research carried out at i3S;
- Look into allegations of scientific misconduct and advise the i3S Board of Directors on the best course of action for such situations.
For direct queries, please contact the Committee via email: