Wellbeing and Mental Health at Work
The balance between personal and professional life has been a focus of concern for employers, national and international bodies, and civil society.
Competitiveness in research stands out as a risk factor for this balance, among other characteristic factors of contemporary Western life: depersonalization, urbanization, and bureaucratization contribute to the erosion of human relations. Additionally, the emotional and family support networks seem increasingly fragile or even non-existent.
Therefore, it is important to create opportunities for self-knowledge and acquisition of tools essential to the resilience, wellbeing, and mental health of i3S employees.
For that, we have organized this thematic cycle of seminars with related workshops, aiming to promote wellbeing and mental health in the i3S work context, using an interdisciplinary approach.
This cycle of seminars and workshops is expected to be held by videoconference (Zoom) for now. Depending on the evolution of the pandemic situation, we may do these events in person, at i3S.
Organizing Committee:
Ana Campos, Ana Valentim, Milena Paneque, Paula Perez, Sofia Santos, Susana Magalhães e Teresa Summavielle
As a result of a collaboration between i3S and the Faculty of “Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação” University of Porto, through an exchange of knowledge between researchers | i3S and lecturers | FPCEUP, monthly sessions are planned as described.
The opening of this thematic cycle, on the 15th of March, will occur during the Brain Awareness Week (BAW), together with the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience (SPN) initiative.
Topic: Decision making
Seminar 7 | 12.10.2021 | 17:00-18:00
Knowledge versus experience: exploring model-based and model-free reinforcement learning in health and disease
Speaker: Pedro Castro-Rodrigues, Champalimaud Research and Clinical Centre, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
The transmission will be held by Zoom (information below) and at https://www.facebook.com/i3s.uporto/
Link: https://zoom.us/j/93330132663?pwd=UzYzT2xCNTBKLzRRVWhGWndPOUhpdz09
Meeting ID: 933 3013 2663
Passcode: 813962
Workshop 7 | 14.10.2021 | 16:00-18:00 | PRESENTIAL
Decision-making management
Speaker: Liliana Cunha, FPCEUP
Venue: Meeting room A, i3S
Both initiatives will be conducted in Portuguese.
Topic: Biology of emotions and conflict management/ Biologia das emoções e gestão de conflitos
Workshop 6 | 08.10.2021 | 17:00-19:00 - PRESENTIAL
Emotional intelligence and conflict management
Speaker: Pedro Cunha, Universidade Fernando Pessoa
Venue: Meeting room A, i3S
Topic: Biology of emotions and conflict management
Seminar 6 | 13.09.2021 | 17:00-18:00
Neurobiology of emotions
Speaker: Rui Oliveira, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
The transmission will be held by Zoom (information below) and at https://www.facebook.com/i3s.uporto/
Link: https://zoom.us/j/94033380288?pwd=OVJLdk1zbGd2SXRLc1dzWTBZekNldz09
Meeting ID: 940 3338 0288
Passcode: 352977
Topic: Depression and resilience
Seminar 5 | 19.07.2021 | 17:00-18:00
Time-dependent functional correlates of adult hippocampal cytogenesis: Relevance to Depression
Speaker: Luísa Pinto, ICVS
The transmission will be held by Zoom (information below) and at https://www.facebook.com/i3s.uporto/
Link: https://zoom.us/j/91652323400?pwd=OW9nRkZRb2ZqZFk4eXFOQ2IyMERiZz09
Meeting ID: 916 5232 3400
Passcode: 721504
Workshop 5 | 27.07.2021 | 16:00-18:00 - PRESENTIAL
Resilience and positive psychology
Speakers: Diana Alves and Filipa Mucha Vieira, FPCEUP
Venue: i3S (room to be later announced)
Workshop aims:
• Exploring the importance of Psychological Capital in the work context
• Exploring developmental strategies of Psychological Capital
• Exploring and developing strategies aimed at promoting resilience in times of more adversity/crisis
Both initiatives will be conducted in Portuguese.
Topic: Ageing
Seminar 4 | 21.06.2021 | 17:00-18:00
Neurobiology of ageing / Neurobiologia do desenvolvimento (provisory title)
Speaker: Luísa Lopes, iMM
The transmission will be held by Zoom (information below) and at https://www.facebook.com/i3s.uporto/
Link: https://zoom.us/j/99679905733?pwd=d3lWNUt4dGdLL2pLei9GRnFqeVBxQT09
Meeting ID: 996 7990 5733
Passcode: 265183
Workshop 4 | 22.06.2021 | 17:00-19:00
Active ageing in the work context / Envelhecimento ativo no contexto de trabalho
Speaker: Isabel Dias
Workshop aims:
• To know the concept of active aging
• To identify approaches to understand the active aging process
• To understand and identify factors that determine active aging
• To identify challenges of an ageing population
• To managing the difficulties of ageing in an increasingly demanding labour market;
• To understand the changes in cognitive processes that contribute to the need to adapt in order to reduce the impact on attention/concentration, tiredness, memory, planning capacity, etc.
Zoom link: sent by e-mail after registration.
Both initiatives will be conducted in Portuguese.
Seminar 3 | 24.05.2021 | 18:00-19:00
Addiction: a treatable medical condition?
Speakers: Teresa Summavielle, i3S
The transmission will be held by Zoom (information below) and at https://www.facebook.com/i3s.uporto/
Meeting ID: 975 1112 3539
Passcode: 414734
Workshop 3 | 27.05.2021 | 17:00-19:00
Anxiety, stress, and overwork: risks of self-medication
Speaker: João Santos Relvas
Zoom link: sent by e-mail after registration.
Both initiatives will be conducted in Portuguese.
Seminar 2 | 19.04.2021 | 17:30-18:15
Cognitive enhancement by neuromodulation
Speaker: Marques Teixeira (FPCE, UP)
Zoom information:
Link: https://zoom.us/j/91061498441?pwd=ZmJqZVVTbUhrQ05uUnRnSlNOTUVqZz09
ID Meeting: 910 6149 8441
Password: 884527
Workshop 2 | 21.04.2021 | 16:00-18:00
Strategies for a fruitful work
Lecturer: Isabel Dias (Psychologist)
Zoom link: sent by e-mail after registration.
Both initiatives will be conducted in Portuguese.
Seminar 1 | 15.03.2021 | 18:00-19:00
Stress and Burnout: molecular and clinical perspectives.
Speakers: Ana João Rodrigues (ICVS) Pedro Morgado (ICVS)
Zoom link: https://bit.ly/3s7o3yB
Workshop 1 | 18.03.2021 | 16:00-18:00
Management of stress at work / Burnout
Speaker: Zita Sousa, ESS.PP and ICVS
Pedro Castro-Rodrigues | Seminar 7
Pedro Castro-Rodrigues is a psychiatrist at Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa and completed a PhD in Mental Health at NOVA Medical School and Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown. During his doctoral studies, he developed a new decision-making task to explore the impact of explicit knowledge in human action control, in a collaboration with Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute. This work was supported by a Doctoral Fellowship from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and a Fulbright Research Scholarship from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State. Pedro is now a Visiting Scientist at Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown and Invited Assistant Professor of Mental Health at NOVA Medical School.
Rui Oliveira | Seminar 6
Dr. Rui Oliveira had his Ph.D. in 1996 at the University of Lisbon, and he is now a Full Professor at ISPA, Lisbon, Principal Investigator at the Gulbenkian Science Institute (IGC), and Adjunct Faculty of the Champalimaud Neuroscience Program, Lisbon. Key qualifications in the field of Animal Behaviour and Cognition, Neuroendocrinology and Genomics. During the last years, he has been involved in research within the field of behavioural neuroendocrinology and behavioural genomics. His main fields of interest are (1) the neuroendocrinology and genomics of social behaviour, (2) the evolution and mechanisms underlying behavioural plasticity (including alternative mating tactics), and (3) comparative social cognition. He leads the research group Integrative Behavioural Biology at IGC, Lisbon. He reviews papers for several scientific journals and evaluates scientific research (e.g. member of the European Research Council panel for Life Sciences 8, member of the Scientific Council of FCT for the Natural Sciences, Coordinator of the FCT Biological Sciences Panel for PhD fellowships, and ad-hoc reviewer for HHMI, NSF and NIH Programs). He has also been the coordinator of several research grants at the national level (FCT, BIAL) and participated in international research networks (FP7 in Europe and CNPq in Brazil). He has served as President of the Portuguese Ethological Society (SPE), and he is currently Past-President of the Society for Social Neuroscience (S4SN, 2016-2021), and member of the Advisory Committee of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology (SBN, 2017-2021). He was the founder Chief-Editor of the journal Acta Ethologica (Springer-Verlag), and Associate Editor of the journals Hormones and Behavior, and Animal Behaviour (Elsevier), and he is currently Associate Editor of Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, and member of the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports (Springer-Nature) and Social Neuroscience (Wiley). He was Rector of ISPA (2010-2020), where he is also the Director of the Graduate Program in Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience and of the PhD Program in Behavioural Biology. He has published over 200 research papers in international peer-reviewed journals and edited 2 books.
Pedro Cunha | Workshop 6
Dr Pedro Cunha is Associate Professor with Aggregation at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the Fernando Pessoa University, Psychologist at the School-Hospital Fernando Pessoa University, and invited Professor at Porto Business School of the University of Porto. Post-doctorate and PhD in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Graduated and Master in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Portuguese Catholic University (Porto). Graduated in Sociology from the University of Porto. Certificate of Conflict Mediator and Family Mediator. Author of the works "Conflito e Negociação" (2008, 2nd ed.) and "Manual de Gestão Construtiva de Conflitos" (2016, 3rd ed.). Co-author of " Gestão de Conflitos na Escola" (2018) and "Processos de Grupo: Um Manual para Estudantes e Profissionais" (2016). For about 20 years, his professional and research interests have focused primarily on the areas of conflict management, negotiation, and mediation in different areas of social life. He has published in journals and speciality books.
Diana Alves | Workshop 5
Diana Alves is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP). She is a Ph.D. in Psychology, and she is also a clinical psychologist at the Psychological Intervention Service for Children and Adolescents of FPCEUP. Trainer in the area of Learning Difficulties, Evaluation and Clinical Intervention with Children and Adolescents. Consultant of projects aiming at the promotion of socio-emotional adjustment and school success. She has research developed in the area of developmental psychology, namely in academic, social, and emotional competence, having published articles and book chapters.
Filipa Mucha Vieira | Workshop 5
Filipa Mucha Vieira is Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - University of Porto (FPCEUP) and researcher at the Center of Psychology of the University of Porto (CPUP). Coordinates FPCEUP student support consultation. She teaches and investigates in the area of Clinical Psychology and Health. Her research interests include the study of efficacy and the changing of the processes in group psychotherapy and the study of positive body image under different clinical conditions.
J Marques Teixeira | SEMINAR 2
J Marques Teixeira is a clinical psychiatrist and psychotherapist, especially focused on neuropsychiatry. He is a developer of qEEG and neurofeedback protocols for neurotherapy training and he is currently developing a new area of intervention on behaviour disorders: neuropsychotherapy.
J Marques Teixeira is also the director of the Laboratory of Neuropsychophysiology (FPCEUP), which conducts research on Cognitive, Affective and Social Neuroscience with an emphasis on EEG/ERP methods and meta-analytic approaches.
Isabel Dias | WORKSHOP 2
Isabel Dias has a degree in Social and Organizational Psychology since 1995. She completed her Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology in 2011 and a Post-Graduation in Intervention Neuropsychology in 2017. She was Director of Human Resources in the industrial area between 1989-2011 and a trainer in the area of behaviour, human resources and education in public and private companies (1995-2020). She worked as a Consultant in several entities between 2007 and 2020 and as Technical Director in a geriatric care company (2016-2017). She is currently a Clinical Psychologist in several entities linked to health care provision.
Ana João Rodrigues | SEMINAR 1
Ana João Rodrigues, 39 yers old, was born in Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal. Graduated in Applied Biology in 2003 at Universidade do Minho, PhD in Health Sciences in 2008 by the School of Medicine. She is currently a Team Leader at ICVS/School of Medicine, University of Minho, Portugal. Her research is focused on unravelling how our brain encodes rewarding and aversive events to drive motivated behaviours. She is also a Science Outreach Coordinator, responsible for science dissemination and health literacy promotion for the society.
Pedro Morgado | SEMINAR 1
Pedro Morgado (MD, PhD) is a Professor at the School of Medicine, the University of Minho and a Psychiatrist at the Hospital de Braga. He is a researcher member of the Clinical Academic Centre (2CA-Braga) and of ICVS/3B's - PT Government Associated Laboratory at the University of Minho. Since 2017, he is also the Vice-President of the School of Medicine, University of Minho. His research is focused on decision-making processes, exploring the interactions between chronic stress and neuropsychiatric disorders. He is involved in both basic and clinical research and his work is focused on obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders and schizophrenia. He is also interested in clinical communication and the doctor-patient relationship.
Workshop 7 – PRESENTIAL
Venue: i3S
Fee: 20 euros (only to UP members)
Be aware that there are only 20 places available and the registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. The workshops are conducted in Portuguese.
Each workshop will be confirmed once the minimum of participants is guaranteed.
Workshop 7 | Registration deadline: 8 October 2021 / Payment deadline: 11 October 2021
Pre-registration form >>
Workshop 6 – PRESENTIAL
Venue: i3S
Fee: 20 euros (only to UP members)
Be aware that there are only 20 places available and the registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. The workshops are conducted in Portuguese.
Each workshop will be confirmed once the minimum of participants is guaranteed.
The second registration in a workshop of this thematic cycle will have a discount of 100%. As referred, these workshops will happen monthly until October.
Workshop 6 | Registration deadline: 4 October 2021 / Payment deadline: 5 October 2021
More information:
Events Management Unit | Rua Alfredo Allen 208 | 4200-135 Porto, Portugal
Email: events@i3s.up.pt | Tel: +351 226 074 900