XIX Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
28-30 May 2025 | Axis Vermar Conference & Beach Hotel, Póvoa de Varzim
Dear Colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the XIX Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Neuroscience, which will be held in Póvoa de Varzim from 28 to 30 May 2025, at the Axis Vermar Conference & Beach Hotel.
In line with previous events, the 2025 meeting will bring together the Portuguese neuroscience community to review and discuss the latest data, exchange information and new ideas, and of course to socialise, meet friends and have a great time.
We hope that through your active participation in the oral and poster sessions, we can build a great 2025 SPN Meeting.
Teresa Summavielle & Fani Neto
Axis Vermar Conference & Beach Hotel
Rua da Imprensa Regional
4490-518 Póvoa de Varzim
Tel: + 351 252 298 900 | Site: http://www.axishoteis.com/ | E-mail: reservas@axisvermar.com
The easiest ways to reach the meeting venue are:
By car: GPS coordinates are: N 41° 23′ 27.4482″ | W -8° 46′ 23.5194″
By metro:
You should take line B (average time: 30 minutes)
From Póvoa de Varzim station to Axis Vermar Conference & Beach Hotel, you may go by taxi.
Local Organizing Committee
Teresa Summavielle | i3S - ESS
Fani Neto | i3S - FMUP
Ana Paula Pêgo | i3S - INEB
Isabel Cardoso | i3S - IBMC
Isaura Tavares | i3S - FMUP
João Relvas | i3S - FMUP
Vasco Galhardo | i3S - FMUP
Diogo Castro | i3S
Isabel Martins | i3S - FMUP -
Joana Ferreira Gomes | i3S - FMUP
Filipe Monteiro | FMUP
Rosalina Fonseca Alvarez | i3S
Scientific Organizing Committee
Albino Jorge Oliveira-Maia | Champalimaud Foundation
Ana João Rodrigues | University of Minho, ICVS
António Francisco Ambrósio | iCBR-CiBB, University of Coimbra
Ana Luísa Carvalho | University of Coimbra
Ana Cristina Rego | University of Coimbra
Adelaide Fernandes | University of Lisbon
Carlos Duarte | University of Coimbra
Carlos Ribeiro | Champalimaud Foundation
César Mendes I NOVA Medical School
Clévio Nóbrega | University of Algarve
Inês Araujo | University of Algarve
João Oliveira | University of Minho, ICVS
Joao Peça | University of Coimbra
Julie Ribot | GIMM
Luísa Vaqueiro Lopes | GIMM
Megan Carey | Champalimaud Foundation
Rodrigo Cunha | University of Coimbra
Sara Xapelli | University of Lisbon
Tiago Gil Oliveira | University of Minho, ICVS
Tiago Outeiro | University of Algarve
May 28
8:00 Check-in
9:00 Welcome and Opening Session
(Conference Chairs and SPN President)
9:30 Symposium 1 - Neuroimmune interactions
(Chairs: João Peça, CNC & Julie Ribot, GIMM)
- Invited Speaker: Julie Ribot, GIMM
- 3 Selected Talks
11:00 Coffee-Break
11:30 Plenary Lecture 1 – Invited Speaker - Mónica Sousa, i3S
The roadmap enabling spinal cord regeneration in mammals
12:30 Lunch and Poster Session 1
(Chairs: Carlos Duarte, CNC & Clévio Nóbrega, ABC Ri)
14:00 Symposium 2 - Oxidative Stress
in collaboration with the Portuguese Society of Biochemistry
(Chairs: João Relvas, i3S & João Laranjinha, CNC)
- Invited Speaker: João Laranjinha, CNC/UC
- 3 Selected Talks
15:30 - Coffee Break and Poster Session 1 (cont.)
16:30 - Symposium 3 - Neurodevelopmental Advances
(Chairs: Diogo Castro, i3S & Filipe Monteiro, FMUP)
- Invited Speaker: Catarina Homem, NMS / UNL
- 3 Selected Talks
18:00 – SPN Meeting
May 29
9:00 Symposium 4 - Neuronal circuits/behaviour
(Chairs: Ana João Rodrigues, ICVS & Luisa V Lopes; GIMM)
- Invited Speaker: Ilana Gabanyi, GIMM
- 3 Selected Talks
10:30 Coffee-Break
11:00 Symposium 5 - Brain interactions/Synaptic function
(Chairs: Ana Luisa Carvalho, CNC & Matthew Holt,i3S)
- Invited Speaker: Patricia Monteiro, FMUP
- 3 Selected Talks
12:30 Plenary Lecture 2 – Invited Speaker – Sophie Leclerq, FNRS and UCLouvain
What is the impact of gut microbes on brain functions and behavior in alcohol use disorder?
13:30 Lunch and Poster Session 2
(Chairs: Adelaide Fernandes, FFUL & Cristina Rego, CNC)
14:30 Symposium 6 - Aging/Neurodegenerative diseases
in collaboration with SPDM
(Chairs: Tiago Outeiro & Cesar Mendes)
- Invited Speaker: Abdelhamid Benazzouz, CNRS
- 3 Selected Talks
16:00 - Coffee Break and Poster Session 2 (cont.)
17:00 - Symposium 7 - Advanced Topics in Neuroscience
(Chairs: Sara Xapelli, FMUL & Francisco Ambrósio, iCBR-CiBB)
- Invited Speaker: Sandra Tenreiro, NMS/UNL
- 3 Selected Talks
20:00 – Gala Dinner
May 30
09:30 Special session 1
ALBA Session
(Chair: Sara Xapelli, FMUL and Catarina Miranda, CNC)
10:30 Special session 2
Fostering interactions and synergies for the future of Portuguese Neuroscience
(Chair: SPN Junior Committee)
10:30 Coffee-Break
11:30 Special session 3
Computational Neurosciences: what lies beyond
(Chairs: Fani Neto, FMUP and João Paulo Cunha, INESC- TEC)
12:30 SENC Plenary Lecture – Invited Speaker – Juan Casto Rivadulla Fernández, Universidade da Coruña
Non-Invasive Neuromodulation in Epilepsies: From Animal Models to Humans
13:30 Lunch and Poster Session 3
(Chairs: Isaura Tavares,FMUP & Rosalina Fonseca,i3S)
14:30 Symposium 8 - Translational Neuroscience
in collaboration with Sociedadade Portuguesa de Psiquiatria/Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurologia
(Chair: Tiago Gil Oliveira, ICVS)
- Invited Speaker 1: Gonçalo Cotovio, Champalimaud Foundation
- Invited Speaker 2: Pedro Alves, FMUL
16:00 - Coffee Break and Poster Session 3 (cont.)
17:00 - Awards and Closing Session
Julie Ribot, GIMM
Mónica Sousa, i3S
João Laranjinha, CNC/UC
Patricia Monteiro, FMUP
Sophie Leclercq, FNRS and UCLouvain
Sandra Tenreiro, NMS/UNL
Juan Casto Rivadulla Fernández, Universidade da Coruña
Gonçalo Cotovio, Champalimaud Foundation
Social Program
May 29th 2025 | Gala dinner
Meeting dinner: 25€
Abstract Submission
The call for abstracts will be open between January 15th and February 21st 2025 (notification of acceptance until 14th March 2025). The abstract will be evaluated and selected either for oral communication or poster communication.
Participants with submitted abstracts should register until March 28th.
Abstracts should be structured according to the following template:
SPN Scholarships
Scholarships will be awarded to SPN members that will present their work in the meeting.
International Scholarships
For researchers working abroad
4 PhD Students
4 Post-Doctoral Fellows
(Award: 750€)
National Scholarships
For researchers working in Portugal
5 MSc or MSc Students
10 PhD Students
10 Post-doctoral Fellows
(Award: Early-bird registration fee)
- Submission of a short CV, with publication record and communications
- Submission of an abstract
- SPN membership in good standing
- Contact of a reference person
Application from February 3rd to February 21st.
Please submit all the required information here >>
For further information contact the conference chairs.
Selected awardees will be contacted before March 20th.
Selected awardees will receive the scholarships during the SPN General Assembly, at SPN2025.
Registration fee includes coffee breaks and lunches. Accommodation is not included in the registration fee.
Registration fees:
Early bird until March 28th |
Late registration until April 30th |
Students (SPN member)* |
150 € |
200 € |
Students (Non-SPN member)* |
200 € |
250 € |
Other (SPN member) |
250 € |
300 € |
Other (Non-SPN member) |
350 € |
400 € |
Conference dinner on May 29th: 25 €
* Students should enclose a letter confirming their status signed by their supervisors or other documents that prove their status.
The accommodation is responsibility of each participant.
Prices (with breakfast included):
Single room: 95€
Double room: 100€
In addition, each participant will have to pay a tourist tax of 1,5€ per night and person.
Reservation should be done using the e-mail: miguel.maia@axisvermar.com.
More information:
Events Management Unit | Rua Alfredo Allen 208 | 4200-135 Porto, Portugal
Email: events@i3s.up.pt | Tel: +351 226 074 900