V International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics
7-8 October 2024 | Auditorium Mariano Gago, i3S, Porto
The V International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics (IMPSG) provides a platform to discuss research advances in genetics, such as in human genomics in health and disease, research on various model and non-model organisms, and environmental genetics among others. This year's meeting will explore a wide range of topics, including Biotechnology and Microbial Genetics, Human Genetics and Biomedicine, and Animal and Plant Genetics.
This international event aims to foster a vibrant forum for discussion of genetics related topics, and where the participation of PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and early-career scientists is encouraged. It covers a diverse array of scientific fields and bring together participants from institutes and universities across Portugal, as well international attendees and invited speakers.
The meeting will span two days (7th and 8th of October), featuring keynote addresses from invited speakers and short presentations from students and researchers selected from submitted abstracts. Poster presentations will also be included in dedicated sessions throughout the event. The V IMPSG will be held exclusively in person.
Official Language: English
i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde
Rua Alfredo Allen, 208; 4200-135 Porto, Portugal
Tel: +351 226 074 900 | E-mail: events@i3s.up.pt
GPS coordinates: 41º 10’ 30.008’’ N, 8º 36’ 12.488’’ W.
Cláudio Sunkel, Chair
Jorge Vieira
Bibiana Ferreira (ABC-Ri)
Cecília M. Arraiano (ITQB, ULisboa)
Cláudio Sunkel (i3S)
Isabel Sá Nogueira (NOVA-FCT)
Jorge Vieira (i3S)
Leonor Cancela (UAlgarve)
Manuel Santos (MIA, UCoimbra)
Natércia Conceição (UAlgarve)
Sandra Viegas (ITQB, ULisboa)
Day 1 | October 7th
14h20 - 14h40 Registration
14h40 - 14h50 Opening session
Session 1 – Biotechnology and Microbial Genetics
14h50 - 15h30 Genetics and cell biology of Clostridioides difficille infection
Adriano Henriques, ITQB
15h30 - 16h30 Selected talks
Mechanistic insights into S. pombe Dis3L2 ribonucleolytic activity
Susana M. Costa
Biosynthetic potential of environmental cyanobacterial biofilms
Adriana Rego
Take my RNA: Recombination Methods in Coronaviruses
Ricardo J. V. Soares
16h30 - 18h00 Coffee break and poster session
18h00 - 18h40 Short talks
Identification of Staphylococcus aureus transporters involved in the uptake of maltooligosaccharides
Inês da Costa Gonçalves
Characterizing the potential of Rev protein to control the export of a synthetic RNA molecule
Carolina F. Fernandes
HIV-Derived Small Non-Coding RNAs: Potential Regulators of Human Gene Expression
Raquel A. G. Luta
Comparison of Multi-Omics Integration Approaches Reveals Age-Dependent SARS-CoV-2 Immune Response
Mohamed Emam Mansour
Exploring and Characterizing Mesophotic Microbiomes for Sustainable Applications
Rafaela Roque
Regulation of oxidative stress response in Streptococcus pneumoniae: the protective role of RNase R
Sara Carrera Prata
Novel Roles of Hfq in Metabolic Regulation and Virulence in the human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes
Alda Silva
18h40 Close
20h00 Conference dinner
Day 2 | October 8th
Session 2 – Human Genetics and Biomedicine
09h30 - 10h10 Next Generation Sequencing of solid tumors for classification, prognostication and prediction.
Bauke Ylstra, Amsterdam UMC
10h10 - 11h10 Selected talks
Disruption of ADNP-KDM1A-GTF2I complex drives neural differentiation defects in Helsmoortel-Van der Aa Syndrome
Mariana Pelicano de Almeida
Unravelling the function of 3’UTR sequences in the expression of genes involved in nerve regeneration
Joana M. Machado
Using genome-wide CRISPR screens to dissect the molecular mechanisms underlying therapy resistance and sensitivity in HER2-positive gastric cancer
Ana C. Nunes
11h10 - 12h40 Coffee Break and poster session
12h40 - 13h30 Short talks
The Butterfly Effect in Forensic Genetics: How Small Changes Can Lead to Big Consequences
Camila Costa
Exploring big GWAS low production on statistical gains: the case of Alzheimer's disease
Catarina Xavier
Neurodevelopment is key in spinocerebellar ataxia type 37 (SCA37): findings from a transient zebrafish model
Ana F. A. Castro
The potential of alternative polyadenylation mRNA isoforms as tobacco-associated cancer signatures
Inês Reis-Claro
Genetic and Functional Variability in the Human Genome: Insights from Polymorphic Pseudogenes
Monica L. Marques
miR-34c-5p is Preferentially Induced in Regulatory T Cells and Directly Targets FOXP3
Cláudia Noronha-Estima
Pushing the Boundaries of Kinship Analyses: A Breakthrough for X Chromosome Aneuploidies
Nádia Pinto
Alternative polyadenylation mRNA isoforms as smoking-associated cancer signatures
Gonçalo R. Fernandes
13h30 - 14h30 Lunch (available at the i3S canteen)
Session 3 – Animal and Plant Genetics
14h30 - 15h10 A Comprehensive Analysis of Barley Under Waterlogging Stress: Genomic and Phenomics Insights from Field and Glasshouse Studies
Sónia Negrão, University College Dublin
15h10 - 16h10 Selected talks
How the genome encodes time: 3D genome regulation of transcription dynamics during development
João Raimundo
A DNA-based method to tackle rice varietal fraudulent claims
Maria B. T. Vieira
Development of a QCM-DNA biosensor applicable in wine authenticity
Sara I. M. Barrias
16h10 - 16h50 Short talks
The dynein-1 regulator NUDC is essential for germline development in Caenorhabditis elegans
Tiago Ribeiro
Need for speed: Genetic Screen of RhoGTPase regulators unveils RhoGAP15b to be crucial for invasive cell migration
Vítor Yang
Whole-genome polymorphisms of rice varieties circulating in the European Market
Hugo M. C. Rodrigues
Ciliopathy-associated kinases regulate retrograde transport initiation to support ciliary assembly and function
Maria J. F. Monteiro
Analysis of the impact of mgp_Δ10 mutation on zebrafish bone metabolism
Márcio Simão
auto-phylo v3: building advanced, flexible, and reusable pipelines for evolutionary studies
Miguel Pinto
auto-p2docking: Streamlining Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction
Cristina Vieira
16h50 Prizes and closing session
Social Program
Conference Dinner | October 7th 2024
Casa Agrícola
Rua do Bom Sucesso 347 361, 4150-150 Porto
Abstract Submission
The call for abstracts will be open until September 16th. The meeting will include poster sessions and the selection of abstracts for oral communications as part of the program.
The registration deadline for participants with submitted abstracts is September 16th.
Abstracts that do not comply with the layout / guidelines will not be considered.
Registration fees:
Student | SPG Member: 35 €
Student | Non SPG Member: 45 €
Non-Student | SPG Member: 60 €
Non-Student | Non SPG member: 80 €
Registration period: June 15th to September 20th
Registration deadline for participants with submitted abstracts: September 16th
Payment deadline: September 20th
More information:
Events Management Unit | Rua Alfredo Allen 208 | 4200-135 Porto, Portugal
Email: events@i3s.up.pt | Tel: +351 226 074 900