creating a
healthier future

Open Day CGPP

September 20th 2024 | i3S, Porto

On September 20th, the Center for Predictive and Preventive Genetics of the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology (CGPP-IBMC) will celebrate its 25th anniversary. We are pleased to invite the entire community to join us in this special celebration, which will bring together clinicians, researchers, patients and their families, alumni, interns, representatives from the different areas of CGPP and society.

This event will be a unique opportunity to strengthen ties between everyone who is part of the history and future of CGPP-IBMC. Come celebrate with us and learn about advances and progress in the area of predictive and preventive genetics.

Please save the date and make your registration, we will be able to receive up to 100 participants.

Very soon we will publish a detailed program of expected activities!

More information is available only in the Portuguese version of the website. Please select the Portuguese version on the flag icon at the top bar for more details.





14h00 - 14h15 (General) Opening

14h15 - 15h00 (General) Historical Review: Discover the history of our Center, how it all began, the values and mission that guide our work.

15h00 - 17h30 Group Sessions
(30 min slots: 25 min + 5 min – change of areas)

(Group 1) The CGPP: Learn about the functional organization of our genetics center, the techniques and genetic tests performed, and clinical activity.

(Group 2) Guided Tour of our facilities.

(Group 3) Guided Tour of i3S: Explore the institute where we are located and learn about our connection with research and innovation in health.

(Group 4) Scientific Research at the CGPP: Learn more about our area of psychosocial and translational research.

(Group 5) The Role of the CGPP in the Community: Learn about our work with the community, our collaboration with patient associations, and the impact on society.

17h30 (General) Closing and Socializing: Enjoy a moment of relaxation and celebration with live music.

This event is a unique opportunity to strengthen ties between all those who are part of the history and future of CGPP-IBMC. Come celebrate with us and celebrate the advances and achievements in the area of predictive and preventive genetics.


Registration is free, but mandatory until 13 September. 

Registration form  >>



More information:
Events Management Unit | Rua Alfredo Allen 208 | 4200-135 Porto, Portugal
Email: | Tel: +351 226 074 900