World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week
22 November 2024 | i3S, Auditorium Mariano Gago
Did you know that bacteria have grown stronger?
Every time we take an antibiotic, the infection-causing bacterium may develop resistance to said antibiotic. Many antimicrobial agents currently available no longer work, and 3 people perish from antimicrobial resistance-related complications every minute.
On this World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week - which also falls on Science & Technology Week (18-24 November) - i3S is presenting current challenges faced by the clinic and strategies to combat this daily threat.
Join this debate, learn more about the topic, and help promote responsible antimicrobian use.
This event is intended for the public at large.
Free entrance but registration is required.
22 November | Auditorium Mariano Gago
8h45 Opening of the registration desk
9h00 Welcome session
Claudio Sunkel, Director of i3S
9h15 – 10h15 Session I
Luís Malheiro, Unidade Local de Saúde de Gaia e Espinho
André Amaral Gomes, Hospital CUF Porto
Paulo Andrade, Unidade Local de Saúde de São João, Porto
10h30 – 11h30 Session II
Ana Cláudia Carvalho, Unidade Local de Saúde de Braga
Daniela Fonseca e Silva, IPO-Porto
Rute Oliveira, i3S Diagnostics
11h30 Closing session
Didier Cabanes, Director of i3S Diagnostics