creating a
healthier future

Funding & Sponsoring

The i3S funding structure is essentially based on 2 main components:
1) Institutional/Core Funding from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through pluriannual funding to the Research Unit (UID) and the Associated Laboratory (LA);
2) Competitive Research Projects funded by several national and international entities.

Our commitment is to continually secured a diversified portfolio that ensure the i3S financial sustainability in order to fullfill our mission.

Core Funding

The i3S Core funding is essentially made up of Pluriannual Funding for the Research Unit (UID) and the Associated Laboratory (LA) from FCT.

Operating since 2015, i3S is a multidisciplinary Research Unit funded by FCT, which was classified as “Excellent” in the latest external evaluation process.
Our research is organized into three Scientific Programs addressing current pressing societal and health challenges: cancer, infectious diseases, neurologic disorders, and regenerative medicine. Our transdisciplinary approach spans fundamental questions regarding living systems, mechanisms underlying disease, and the development of novel diagnostic and innovative therapeutic strategies. The UID i3S is a very dynamic research hub hosting ca. 950 researchers in its 74 research groups who produce ca. 650 publications/year. It also has 14 scientific platforms that give access to advanced equipment in areas such as genomics, biomolecular analysis, cell analysis, imaging, and animal experimentation; 3 clinical platforms offering diagnostic services to the community in the areas of cancer, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases; as well as a set of transversal units dedicated to the financial, management, IT and communication aspects that ensure the functioning of the infrastructure and the successful implementation of ongoing projects.

i3S is an Associate Laboratory funded by FCT since 2021, which was classified as “Excellent” in the latest external evaluation process.

The LA i3S results from the merger of two previous ALs, IBMC-INEB and Ipatimup, and involves a key collaboration with the UPorto and the major hospitals in the region. The goal is to create an environment favorable to innovative research, translation of discoveries into the clinic and position the LA i3S at the forefront of research in the health sciences to support the implementation of key public policies in the following five main pillars:

  1. Fostering research excellence and internationalization by consolidating the impact of our publications and expanding the international network of collaborations;
  2. Expanding our cooperation, sharing and development of scientific infrastructures to provide unique research services to academia, industry and the health sector;
  3. Facilitating the development, mobility and employability of human capital by promoting a stimulating training environment for our graduate students and researchers allowing them to be competitive in academia, the health sector and industry;
  4. Consolidating our social impact through various clinical initiatives that provide molecular diagnostics for cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and infectious diseases, and through our extensive outreach programs;
  5. Leveraging our success in the economic valorization of research by promoting pre-clinical research, investigator-initiated clinical trials, joint projects with the industry and the health sector, patenting research results and licensing them to start-ups and industry in general.

In sum, our strategy to contribute to public policies responding to scientific, health, social and economic challenges is intimately linked to our commitment and capacity to develop sustainable careers for highly differentiated doctorate researchers and technicians. In addition, we rely on our proven capacity to raise funding for R&D&I activities through diversified international sources, including the European Union. Thus, the LA i3S constitutes a unique ecosystem that aims to cover the full cycle of innovation - from molecule to patient -, clustering research, advancing training and innovation, and consolidating several domains of the national and European public policies for science.



Base Funding – R&D Units
Títle Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde
Reference UIDB/04293/2020
Funding Entity FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Proponent i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde da Universidade do Porto - Associação
i3S Funding 4.157.239,53 €
Execution Period 01/01/2020 a 31/12/2024
DOI 10.54499/UIDB/04293/2020



Programatic Funding – R&D Units
Títle Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde
Reference UIDP/04293/2020
Funding Entity FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Proponent i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde da Universidade do Porto - Associação
i3S Funding 1.307.348,64 €
Execution Period 01/01/2020 a 31/12/2024
DOI 10.54499/UIDP/04293/2020



Associate Laboratories Funding
Títle Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde
Reference LA/P/0070/2020
Funding Entity FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Proponent i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde da Universidade do Porto - Associação
i3S Funding 12.749.302,62 €
Execution Period 01/01/2021 a 31/12/2025
DOI 10.54499/LA/P/0070/2020


Research Projects

i3S has been demonstrated a great ability to raise competitive funds for its activities.
By now, we have a diversified portfolio of research projects funded by several national and international entities.

Summary of ongoing projects:
FCT - Projects: 92 ongoing projects
National - Other Projects: 45 ongoing projects
National - Industry Projects: 7 ongoing projects
International - European Commission: 26 ongoing projects
International - Other Projects: 43 ongoing projects
International - Industry Projects: 4 ongoing projects
Total ongoing Projects: 217

Projects Search

Geographical Origin
Research Group/Unit
Funding Entity