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11 young i3S researchers distinguished at IJUP

In the 17th edition of IJUP – Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto (Young Research Meeting at the University of Porto), which took place from the 8th to the 10th of May at the Faculty of Economics, students who are carrying out research at i3S had the opportunity to showcase their projects and assert themselves by winning several awards in the areas of Health Sciences and Biological Sciences.

Considered one of the largest national scientific events dedicated to young researchers, IJUP this year had more than a thousand registered students, of which more than 700 had the opportunity to share summaries of their work - 329 in oral communication format and 368 in posters.

In these three days in which we sought to discover the best young research produced at the University of Porto, the following i3S researchers were recognized:

Best Oral Presentations
Ângela Faria - “Unravelling the ErbB2 Sugar Code in Gastric Cancer: Construction of a Glycoengineered Cell-based Library” (Glycobiology in Cancer)
Carolina Silva – “Exploring SSC5D's impact on maternal-fetal infections and neonatal sepsis” (Cell Activation & Gene Expression)
Cecília Ferreira – “Building a novel blood-brain barrier/glioblastoma interplay 3D in vitro model for stratification of drug efficacy” (Nanomedicines & Translational Drug Delivery)
Patrícia Gonçalves - “Establishing and characterizing a novel gemcitabineresistant pancreatic cancer cell line” (Cancer Drug Resistance)

Best posters:
Beatriz Lopes - “Exploring TTR stabilization as treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease” (Molecular Neurobiology)
Beatriz Sampaio - “iPSC-driven spheroids for cardiac patch vascularization” (Stem Cells in Regenerative Biology and Repair)
José Abobeleira – “Dysfunction of visceral adipose tissue in human endometriosis” (Ageing & Stress)
Maria Peixoto – “The role of hypoxia in the KRT17 and TPSAB1/B2-mediated modulation of the colon cancer microenvironment” (Tumour and Microenvironment Interactions).

Best Oral Presentations
Inês Castro Almeida - “T(AHR)getting the AHR: Navigating the path of a xenobiotic sensor, from disease to a therapeutic target” (Immune Sensing & Signaling Dynamics).

Best posters:
Catarina Santos - “Improving the production of the heterologous compatible solute glycine betaine in Synechocystis-based chassis” (Bioengineering & Synthetic Microbiology)
Eduarda Pinto - “Modulation of the osteosarcoma microenvironment by engineering osteoclasts with non-coding RNAs” (Tumour and Microenvironment Interactions).

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