i3S promotes the IV Open Day for Master’s students
After three highly successful previous open days, which had a total of more than 400 participants, i3S is once again opening its doors to master’s students who are in the selection phase for a final year project/internship. The IV MSc Open Day, which will be held on February the 7th between 2pm and 5pm, will allow students to learn about the available projects, speak with leading researchers, and visit the laboratories of the country's largest research institute in the area of Life and Health Sciences.
Unlike the previous edition, this year's activities will be concentrated in the Institute’s lobby. “We want to facilitate interactions between participants and researchers by bringing all the projects and people together in the same space. Furthermore, if first-year master's students are curious about visiting a laboratory, researchers are available to take them on a short visit", explains Paula Tamagnini, vice-director of the i3S who is responsible for training and who is organizing the MSc Open Day.
This event, highlights the i3S researcher, “will be an excellent opportunity for master’s students to discover the existing offers in our laboratories and to get in touch with dozens of scientists and current students, who will be able to guide and advise participants in this crucial phase of convergence of their academic and professional careers”.
Internship offers will be presented in poster form and fall within the Institute's three research areas: “Cancer”, “Infection, Immunity and Regeneration”, and “Neurobiology and Neurological Diseases”. The researchers responsible for the projects will be on site to explain their work and answer any questions.
Participation in this fourth i3S MSc Open Day is free of charge, subject to prior registration.