Patrícia Castro
Health, Safety and Quality Unit
Team Coordinator
Patrícia Castro is an Affiliated Professor, Medical Faculty of Porto, Portugal and the Head of the advance microscopy facility at IPATIMUP. Her interest in imaging techniques made her develop skills in that field with courses and training in leading centers in that area with a grant that IPATIMUP conceded her to that effect. At IPATMUP se is the head of the advance light microcopy facility giving support to all the research groups in developing projects that need imaging techniques. She belongs to the PPBI (Portuguese Platform of Bioimage) that will allow a more intricate collaboration between imaging facilities in Portugal. She has a total of 28 publications, 8 of them published between the years 2010-2014, listed in ISI Web of Knowledge. She has an h-index (ISI) of 14 and received ~1050 citations with an average of 42 per article.