Where Ideas Grow
Marco Araújo
Marco Araújo has completed the BSc degree in Technologic Chemistry in 2008, followed by the MSc degree in Chemistry in 2010, at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. The BSc and MSc theses have been performed under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Madalena Humanes, being focused on the physico-chemical characterization and structure elucidation of melanin, regarding new technologic applications of this biopolymer. Meanwhile, before starting his master, he has performed a summer stage at Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, working on the synthesis of a new Gallium radiocompound for the myocardium under the supervision of Prof. Dr. António Paulo, and also worked in a 6 months FCT research grant at Instituto Tecnologia Química e Biológica, on the synthesis of metallopeptide catalysts for asymmetric transfer hydrogenation reaction. In 2011, Marco has been awarded with a FCT research grant to work on the synthesis and functionalization of Polyamide dendrimers for drug delivery and biosensoring, at Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa and under the supervision of Dr. Vasco Bonifácio and Prof. Dr. Ana Aguiar-Ricardo. Marco has then moved to Italy with a 2 year Marie Curie research grant inserted in the GlaCERCo ITN, to work in the design, development and characterization of bioactive glass based coatings for biomedical devices at Colorobbia Research Centre (Ce.Ri.Col). Marco has then been awarded with a 3 year PhD fellowship in the framework of SMARTNET ITN, to complete his PhD in Chemistry at Universitat Jaume I (Castellón), performing the Synthesis of supramolecular metallogels for application in catalysis, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Beatriu Escuder. Meanwhile, he has also performed a stage at Colorobbia Spain S.A., working on the Synthesis and encapsulation of inorganic pigments. Marco Araújo was hired in September 2016 as a Post-Doc researcher at Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica, to work on the development of a 3D microarray platform for the high-throughput analysis of the role of the extracellular matrix in cancer-associated epithelial-to-mesenchmal transitions, under the supervision of Dr. Cristina Barrias.