Where Ideas Grow
Flávia Pereira
PhD Student

Flávia Pereira is graduated in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Aveiro (2012-2015). She has a master’s degree in Molecular Genetics from the Department of Biology of the University of Minho (2015-2018). During master, Flávia published her master thesis entitled “Understanding the role of KRAS hotspot mutations in KRAS/Galectin-3/p16INK4a axis regulation in colorectal cancer” supervised by Doctor Ana Preto from Centre for Molecular and Environmental Biology (CBMA) of the University of Minho and Doctor Maria José Oliveira from Institute for Investigation and Innovation in Health (i3S) of the University of Porto. The master thesis was developed in the Laboratory of Animal Biology of CBMA and in the Tumour and Microenvironment Interactions (TMI) Group of i3S resulting in an enriched work due to various collaborations made in each institute. Recently, she had a research grant funded by Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro Núcleo Regional do Norte (LPCC-NRN)  (2019) and her investigation was focused on colorectal cancer microenvironment.

Currently, Flávia Pereira is a PhD student from the Doctoral Programme in Molecular and Environmental Biology (PDBMA) supervised by Doctor Ana Preto from CBMA, by Doctor Maria José Oliveira from i3S and by Doctor Celso Albuquerque Reis also from i3S.