Bioinspired researcher with MSc in Bioengineering (Faculty of Engineering from the University of Porto) and a strong background in molecular biotechnology. Focused on the use of cyanobacteria as platforms for the production of relevant bioproducts. Hands-on experience in lab and large-scale cultivation of cyanobacteria, microbial genetic engineering techniques, and isolation/application of cyanobacterial-derived compounds (biomass, natural polymers and extracellular vesicles, for example) in several contexts such as cosmetics, biomedicine and aquaculture. Extremely interested in the entrepreneurship context of translating laboratory research to the market. After working as a Research Fellow at i3S (2019-2021) and as a contracted researcher at Allmicroalgae company (2022), he is currently a PhD student of the doctoral program in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of Porto (ICBAS), exploring the use of extracellular vesicles from cyanobacteria as a green and sustainable antigen-delivery platform for oral vaccination of fish at i3S and CIIMAR.