creating a
healthier future
Ricardo Marcos-Pinto
Clinical Affiliate Member

Ricardo Marcos-Pinto Graduated in Medicine from the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Porto (ICBAS-U.Porto), and performed Gastroenterology Residence at Centro Hospitalar do Porto. He completed his PhD studies in Medical Sciences at the same institution, with a thesis entitled Characterization of a population with an increased risk of gastric cancer: first degree relatives of early-onset gastric carcinoma patients.

Ricardo Marcos-Pinto is a member of the iGO Research Group, integrated in Research Line 2 - Clinical Research and Translation, of CINTESIS.
He is member of National and European Societies and with nearly 40 published scientific articles he is Chief Executive Officer and co-founder Glyco4Clinics - a start-up company dedicated to research and development (R & D) activities applying to clinical practice.

Currently, he is a gastroenterologist at the Hospital Center of Porto and Clinical Director of the Institute of Digestive Endoscopy of the North and invited professor ICBAS-U.Porto with under and post-graduate students supervision.