Eduarda completed a Biochemistry degree in 2017 at University of Minho (UM), followed by a MSc in Biomedical Research in 2019 at Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra.
During her bachelor degree, she did her final internship at ICVS (Fátima Baltazar Lab; supervisor: Sara Granja) in the field of metabolism and oncobiology. During the MSc dissertation at i3S (Immunology, Cancer and Glycomedicine Lab; supervisor: Salomé Pinho), she studied the impact of glycans in the development of Inflammatory Bowel Disease-associated Colorectal Cancer.
After the master, in 2019, she joined the lab of Professor Massimiliano Mazzone at VIB/KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology (Leuven, Belgium), where she worked on a project focusing on the role of tumor stroma in lung metastasis (2019-2020).
After that year, in 2021, she moved for 6 months to Professor Thomas Blankenstein lab at Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) (Berlin, Germany).
Currently, Eduarda Gomes integrates the Immunology, Cancer and Glycomedicine group to develop her PhD thesis under the supervision of Dra. Salomé Pinho (FMUP, i3S/IPATIMUP) and Prof. Dr. Andreas Diefenbach (Institute of Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Charité University, Berlin, Germany). She is studying how changes in cellular glycosylation trigger the transition to chronic inflammation and its progression to colon cancer.