Carla Santos completed her Master's Degree in Legal Medicine in 2020 by the University of Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (final classification 18/20). She received 1 award, Winner of Best BYTplus Internship Award 2019/2020, with her Master's thesis "Genes from the pseudoautosomal region (PAR1) of the mammalian X chromosome: synteny, phylogeny and selection.", with which she also participated in the Blue Think Conference - Share Science Spread Knowledge. She was a Research Grant Holder in the project "Symbiolite - A new calcification process mediated by symbiotic coral algae: structure, function, ecological role and evolutionary significance" at PhycoLab (University of Aveiro) and as Master Thesis Grant Holder by the BYT+ program of CIIMAR, at Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics group. She completed her Degree in Biology in 2016 by the University of Porto Faculdade de Ciências (final classification 16/20), in which she did a internship at Santo António Public Hospital in Molecular Biology´s department about "The importance of biomarkers in the personalized treatment of non-small cells lung cancer" (final classification of 17 out of 20).