M.D. in 1987 – Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto (FMUP). PhD in Metabolism, FMUP 2017 . MsC in Academic and Clinical Education in 2022 by FMUP; Teacher of Medicine at Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) since 2019.
Transfusion Medicine specialist since 1996. Direction and foundation of a Transfusion Service in a districtal Hospital in the North of Portugal between 1998 and 2003. Consultant in Transfusion Medicine since 2005 in a Central, academical Hospital in Porto (Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto - CHUPorto). Member of Hepatic and Reno pancreatic Transplantation Team in CHP since 1997 and 2000 respectively. Clinical Haematology coordinator of this team from 2008 till 2011. Coordinator of virus markers in the blood bank of CHUPorto from 2003 till 2012. Since 2012 consultant in Thrombosis and Hemostasis of Clinical Hematology department.
Research interest in catecholaminergic immunoregulation of inflammatory conditions such cancer, obesity, depression.
Research affiliation since 2022 i3s-Institute for Research & Innovation in Health https://www.i3s.up.pt/
Member of the International Affairs Committee of the American Society for Cell Biology
Prizes and Grants
Prize- Boston – American Association of Blood Banks- 2012- TOP POSTER ABSTRACT-entitled “Does Obesity Matter in a Blood Donor Population?”
Honorable Mention of Basic Investigation with the work: Fernanda Leite, Ana Santos, Margarida Lima, Maximiliano Legnaro, Franca Marino, Marco Cosentino, Laura Ribeiro: “Immune cells dopaminergic receptors and tyrosine hydroxylase expression in obesity” (24th November 2013- by the Portuguese Society for the study of obesity SPEO)
Investigator´s Grant (2014) by the European and the International Societies of Hypertension together with the Scientific Committee of the Joint Meeting ESH-ISH Hypertension, Athens, Greece.
Travel awards by the American Society of Cell Biology in 2012 and 2013: http://ascb.org/meetings/program/web/files/assets/basic-html/page28.html
EMBO Travel Award in 2022
Clinical Haematology Department, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto (CHUP), Portugal
i3S-Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto, 4200-135 Porto, Portugal.
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