creating a
healthier future
Ana Macedo Pereira
PhD Student

Ana Pereira graduated in Bioengineering (2020) and completed her master's degree in Molecular Bioengineering (2022) from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. During her course in Bioengineering, Ana had the opportunity to perform several internships related to bioengineering. Posteriorly, during her master's, Ana interned Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry of the Network of Chemistry and Technology (LAQV/REQUIMTE). She participated in projects with her master's dissertation under the supervision of Cláudia Nunes and posteriorly worked as a volunteer researcher to conclude some experiences on neuroblastoma cell lines. Ana is enrolled in the Biomedical Sciences Doctoral Program from the Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário (CESPU, CRL). In 2023, she met Bruno Sarmento, group leader of "Nanomedicines & Translational Drug Delivery", and Jorge Lima from the group "Cancer Signalling & Metabolism" at Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (i3S) and published her first review article as the first author. She also participated in several conferences, including oral communication. Nowadays, her significant interests in an academic path are cancer nanomedicine and metabolism.