Susana Gomes Guerreiro has graduated in Biochemistry at FCUP (Faculty of Science of University of Porto, 2003). She obtained the Master Degree in Molecular Oncobioloy at FMUP (Medicin Faculty, UPorto) in 2006 and obtained her PhD in Biomedical Engineering in 2012 at FEUP, as a result of studies carried out at INEB (Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica, UPorto); INSERM U577 (Unit of Biomaterials and tissue Repair, UBordeaux, France) and Repair Lab (UJohannes Gutenberg, Mainz, Germany). She received in 2014 he European Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Doctoral Award of the european Society for Biomaterials. Her first post-doctoral studies were in endocrinology, skin wound healing on diabetic foot ulcer at CNC (Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular, UCoimbra) and FMUP (2013-2015). Her research interests lie at the intersection between endocrinology diseases and cell metabolism.