creating a
healthier future
Henrique Almeida
Group leader
Graduated in Medicine 1999 and PhD degree in 1999 at Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (FMUP). Currently is : Associated Professor (Tenure) at FMUP, director of the MSc and PhD Program on «Molecular Medicine and Oncology» and the research group «Ageing & Stress». Scientific Committee Member of other PhD Programs at FMUP and associate editor of «Microscopy and Microanalysis». Director of the Integrated Master Program in Medicine (formerly Medicine Course) in the term 2015-2018. Is also Consultant in Ob/Gyn (Hospital CUF, Porto) and member of the Ob/Gyn college of Portuguese Medical Association (Ordem dos Médicos). Main interests: effects of ageing on cells and tissues, with emphasis in reproduction. Is author/co-author of several tens of peer-reviewed papers.