I have graduated in Biochemistry by the University of Minho in 2013 and finished a master degree in Biochemistry at the University of Porto in 2015. During my masters I started my neuroscientist career within a project developed at IBMC (supervision of Márcia Liz and Carla Lopes), in the context of the neurogenerative disorder Transthyretin Amyloid Polyneuropathy (ATTR-PN) (Sci Rep 2020, 1st author; Best Poster award - XIV Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience 2015). My growing interest in neurosciences encouraged me to pursue to a PhD (2017-2021). I obtained a scholarship through a competitive call from FCT (SFRH/BD/118728/2016) to develop my PhD thesis under the supervision of Márcia Liz (Neurodegeneration Team, Nerve Regeneration Group, IBMC/i3S, Porto) and co-supervision of Tiago Outeiro (University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany) and James Bamburg (Colorado State University, USA). My PhD project focused on actin cytoskeleton dysfunction in the context of PD with cognitive impairment (1st author: Front Cell Dev Biol 2020; Cell Death Dis 2024, under revision). During my PhD, I received a FLAD R&D@PhD fellowship allowing me a 4-month stay in James Bamburg's lab (JoVe 2017 co-author) and was supported by the Portugal-Germany Science Cooperation Programme (FCT-DAAD) to work in Tiago Outeiro's laboratory. Following my PhD, in 2022 I had a junior researcher contract supported by Creative Bio-Peptides Inc. to support the research in the context of CCR5 involvement in PD. In 2023, I received support from a Pfizer-funded grant, during which I worked on implementing the generation of neurons from iPS cells within the context of FAP. Currently, I am leading a project funded by a Pfizer's Global Medical Grants and starting a 6-year Junior Researcher contract from FCT.