creating a
healthier future
Luís Maia
Clinical Affiliate Member
I have been involved in research since the end of my medical degree in 1998: initially, as a voluntary researcher working on therapeutic approaches to Leukaemia using cell models, in the group of Prof. JE Guimarães (IPATIMUP, Portugal); then, during my neurology residency together with Prof. Manuel Correia, on new clinical phenotypes of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (Hospital de Santo António, Porto, Portugal); as a research fellow with Prof. Cheryl Wellington on Alzheimer?s Disease mouse models (University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada) and Dr. Howard Feldman on new imaging biomarkers of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (Vancouver General Hospital and University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada); and finally as a PhD candidate with Prof. Mathias Jucker (Hertie Institute of Clinical Brain Research, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany), where I recently completed my PhD on biomarker research using murine models of disease. Over my research activities I was involved in basic, clinical research and clinical trials involving amyloid related pathologies (Alzheimer?s Disease, Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and Transthyretin amyloidosis). Most recent and relevant papers are outlined below: ? Maia LF et al., EMBO Mol Med 2015 ? Maia LF et al., JNNP 2015 ? Fritschi SK et al., Brain 2014 ? Maia LF et al., STM 2013 ? Coelho T et al., Neurology 2012