creating a
healthier future

Course: Building and Leading Research Teams

Leadership in research is an increasingly essential skill to successfully meet performance expectations (acquisition of academic outputs, etc) and to foster the development of the next generation of researchers. This course will equip research leaders with the knowledge base to effectively build, manage and inspire a research group in the academic enterprise.


Target Audience: Researchers who are currently responsible for the management of and leading teams and/or will be doing so in the next 6-12 months.

Course opens for i3S members or UP members only.

Language: Portuguese (1st edition)

Course promotors: Anna Olsson, Ana Campos, Ana Valentim, Ana Seixas, Cristina Martins (i3S); Serviço de Consultoria em Psicologia do Trabalho da FPCEUP; Serviço para a Educação Contínua da FPCEUP

Organization: This course will be in collaboration between i3S and Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto.



Level 1 – Leadership: Survival Toolkit
1) Analyse critical factors for successful recruitment, selection and integration of new members in a work team;
2) Explore key factors in training, developing, motivating and maintaining working group members;
3) Develop and deepen insight into the processes surrounding decision-making, negotiation and problem solving in teams;
4) Explore the role of communication in aligning a work team;
5) Build a working culture and evaluation system directed towards reaching the objectives defined within research projects.


Level 2 – Leadership: A Step Forward (optional module)
(2 individual sessions (2h + 2h) to be scheduled directly with a consultant)
1) Develop and deepen insight into different leadership styles and capacity to influence others;
2) Analyse the impact of behaviour and individual attitudes on others and on the execution of research projects, as well as explore ways of strategic action;
3) Build an individual development plan to potentiate one’s strength and compensate for one’s weaknesses in one’s role as leader and manager of research teams.


Course design:

The course will be delivered in two parts:

Level 1:
- covering broad leadership concepts and how to develop your leadership role;
- Obligatory module
- Dates: 8, 9, 10, 31 January 2019 (28h total, distributed over 3.5 days);


Level 2:
- Personalized analysis and follow up with a consultant to build your own research leadership plan.
- Optional module
- Dates: agenda to be set on an individual basis directly with participants (April/May; 4h total)


Marta Santos

Docente e investigadora da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação e da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. Tem desenvolvido projetos de consultoria científica, em contexto nacional e internacional, sobre formação, competências e desenvolvimento profissional. Membro do Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto e da Direção da Revista Laboreal, de cariz internacional e interdisciplinar. Presidente do Conselho Pedagógico da FPCEUP e membro do Conselho Académico da Porto Business School.




Filipa Ferreira

Mestre em Psicologia pela Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto e Pós Graduada em Gestão de Pessoas pela Porto Business School. A frequentar o MBA Executivo nesta escola de negócios e a colaborar, enquanto consultora externa, no Serviço de Consultoria em Psicologia do Trabalho da FPCEUP.
Desempenhou funções como HR Lead na Sonae, tendo experiência em temáticas como Employer Branding, Employee Experience, Cultura Organizacional, Aquisição e Gestão de Talento, Liderança, Gestão de Desempenho, Planos de Carreira e Sucessão, Formação e Desenvolvimento, Gestão de Encargos com Pessoal, Comunicação Interna e Externa e Gestão de Projetos Estratégicos de Recursos Humanos. Experiência também como HR Business Partner nas áreas de retalho, tendo sido responsável pelas áreas Corporativas e de Negócio (E-Commerce, Comercial Não Alimentar, Sistemas de Informação, Planeamento e Controlo de Gestão e Expansão e desenvolvimento).
Enquanto investigadora, desenvolveu trabalhos e publicações no âmbito da temática da exploração e desenvolvimento vocacional.


Level 1: 20 Min. - 25 Max. participants

Level 2: no fixed number as it consists of individual sessions.


Admission criteria:

To register for level 1, participants should be responsible for project/ team management, presently or within the next 6/12 months. Participants will be selected on the basis of information provided at registration.
To register for level 2, participants should be registered for level 1

Early bird registration | Until 15th November
i3S members or UP members – level 1 - 270 €
i3S members or UP members – level 1 + 2 – 540 €*

Late registration | From 15th to 22nd November
i3S members or UP members – level 1 – 350 €

Registration for Level 2 will remain open until 15 February at €270.

*Participants can register at level 2 at the same time as level 1 or after attending Level 1. You will receive an email confirming the registration. Payments will only be requested when the minimum number of participants indicated for level 1 have registered.

Cancellation policy:
The organizers reserve the right to cancel events wholly or in part in case of an insufficient number of participants, organizational reasons, force majeure or other unforeseeable events that render the execution of the event impossible and/or not worthwhile. The organizers will immediately inform the registered participants.