creating a
healthier future

Mendeley: Reference Management Software & Research Network


i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde | Meeting Room A 
January 22nd, 2018 | 10h00 - 17h00 (6 hours)


Mendeley is a free bibliographic reference manager and an academic social network that enhances productivity, facilitates online collaboration, allows find new publications, and that improves the organization of bibliography. It has mobile applications for tablet and smartphone (iOS® and Android®) that allows remote access to documents and references. It permits the creation of an academic profile where the author's publications can be placed and allows the creation of private groups (makes possible to share documents and references) and public groups (only allows the sharing of references). It also has a plugin for Internet browsers, which makes possible the extraction of metadata from the obtained references in a database search, directly to each user's personal library.


Language: Portuguese

Required material:
Laptop with Mendeley Desktop installed (

Course fees:
25 euros (i3S members)
30 euros (external members)




Jorge Sinval (BS Psych, MS Psych) is a Double Ph.D. student in psychology and psychometrician in the Univerisity of São Paulo and in the University of Porto, where he researches Psychometrics, Work Engagement, and Burnout. His research interests focus on the application of some statistical technics like structural equation modeling and meta-analysis to the occupational health and organizational psychology research fields. He also has interest in the Bayesian approach to the Psychometrics. Sinval currently is Mendeley Advisor (since 2012), has been nominated as the Mendeley World Advisor of the Month, and is a regular presenter of Mendeley at national and international level.


Limited registrations:  min. 10 participants // max. 12 participants


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