creating a
healthier future

Online Course in Experimental Design and Analysis of Data for Research with Animals | 3rd Edition

20-22 January 2021 | Online course


This three-day on-line course aims at making researchers sufficiently knowledgeable on experimental design and statistics to make results from animal experiments more reliable, robust and reproducible, while avoiding animal waste and complying with the 3Rs of animal research, with particular emphasis on Reduction and Refinement.

The course will be broadcasted from i3S and be fully interactive.

Target audience: This course is particularly aimed at researchers responsible for designing and/or carrying out animal experiments. It is also recommended for members of Animal Welfare Bodies or Competent Authorities responsible for evaluating animal research projects.

Requirements: Course participants should have, as a minimum, a degree in the natural or exact sciences. Preference will be given to researchers who use - or are about to use - animals for scientific purposes, or are involved in the design and analysis of animal experiments.

Language: English.

Course organiser: Nuno Franco, i3S


  • Planning for reproducibility in animal research
  • Harm-benefit analysis and ethical considerations
  • Formulating objectives and testing hypotheses
  • Adequate controls and avoidance of bias (randomization, blind assessment)
  • Independent replication and experimental units
  • Refinement in design
  • Increasing effect size and reducing variability
  • The concept of "blocking"
  • Randomised block designs
  • Factorial designs
  • Repeat measure and sequential designs
  • Planning a series of experiments
  • Estimating sample size
  • Basic concepts in probability and statistics
  • Single and two factor analysis of variance
  • Analysis of covariance
  • Data transformations and non-parametric methods
  • Multivariate analysis of variance





Derek Fry, The University of Manchester

Dr Fry was Chief Inspector of the UK Animal Scientific Procedures Inspectorate, until his retirement in 2008 and is now a consultant on animal experimentation issues and experimental design, with an honorary post at the University of Manchester. In the UK Inspectorate he assessed animal experimentation proposals and advised government on ethical issues for nearly 20 years. Since retiring he has concentrated on his interest in experimental design and helped develop the FRAME experimental design courses. He has now run or contributed to workshops on experimental design and project assessment in UK and various countries in Europe, Asia and North America.





Pedro Oliveira, ICBAS

Pedro Oliveira graduated in Chemical Engineering in 1984. In 1992, he concluded a PhD in Applied Mathematics at Strathclyde University, Glasgow. He was Professor at the University of Minho till 2010. Since 2010, he is Associate Professor (Biostatistics and Numerical methods) at the Biomedical Sciences Institute Abel Salazar and at the Institute of Public Health from the University of Porto. He is member of the Epidemiological Research Unit, EPIUnit, where he coordinates the Biostatistics and Health Metrics group. His main research interests are in Biostatistics, in particular, in the application and development statistical methods in public health, planning and data analysis.



Assisted by:

- Denisa Mendonça

- Nuno Franco



  Early Bird Late registration
Registration period Until 26th October Until 11th December
i3S members with previous participation in
IBMC/i3S Laboratory Animal Science Course
(Felasa C category)
135€ 175€
i3S members 175€ 225€
External participants with previous participation
in IBMC/i3S Laboratory Animal Science Course (Felasa C category)
175€ 215€
External participants 225€ 275€


Limited number of participants: 20 (10 for i3S members)


The course is full. If you wish to stay in the waiting list, please fill in the form below. 


More Information:
Advanced Training Unit | E-mail: | Tel: +351 220 408 800