creating a
healthier future

Workshop: Organoids and Advanced 3D in Vitro Models for Research in Health and Disease | 2nd Edition


2-6 November 2020 | i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde

The workshop aims to cover organoids and 3D in vitro systems research. The aim is to introduce researchers to organoid systems, focusing on their application in cancer, infectious diseases and regenerative medicine. Researchers will also participate in "hands-on" classes covering the culture and maintenance of intestinal organoids.

Course with 20 hours’ approximate duration:

- Theoretical component covering the following issues (8 hours):
o Organoids models in cancer, infectious diseases and regenerative medicine
o Stem cells and microenvironment in organoid culture context
o 3D in vitro models and biofabrication techniques for biomedicine

- Practical component focusing on hands-on training in the culture of intestinal organoids (6 hours).


Target audience: PhD students and Early Stage Researchers

Organizers: Anna Olsson, i3S; Marta Alves da Silva, i3S





Roos Masereeuw,
Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, The Netherlands

Sina Bartfeld,
University of Würzburg, Germany

Hans Wandall,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Anna Olsson,
i3S, Portugal

Celso Reis,
i3S, Portugal

Cristina Barrias,
i3S, Portugal

Margarida Saraiva,
i3S, Portugal

Marta Alves da Silva,
i3S, Portugal


Registration fee includes coffee breaks and workshop material.
Fee: 20€

The course is open to PhD students and early stage researchers. Participants will be selected according to the following criteria:
- Degree in Biology, Bioengineering or similar areas.
- PhD student/ early stage researcher in these areas
- Experience in cell culture

Registration deadline: 23rd October 2020

The pre-registration link will be sent by email.
Payment will be requested only after confirmation of acceptance.
The organizer reserves the right to cancel the course in case of an insufficient number of participants or other unforeseeable events that render the execution of the course.

The workshop is now full, if you wish to stay in the waiting list, please contact Events Management Unit ( 


This course is organized in collaboration with the REMODEL project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 7857491.


More Information
Advanced Training Unit | E-mail: | Tel: +351 220 408 800