Where Ideas Grow

TraCy Talks
8, 15, 22 March 2021 | Online

“TraCy Talks” aim to show the most frequent and recent applications of Flow Cytometry in different areas of research. As such, this initiative meant to transmit what are the best practices from up-to-date theory to experimental approaches by an expert in the field, concluding with a review of protocols minimizing frequent errors. “Tracy Talks” will take place on regular basis, with each edition having a main theme to be subdivided in related topics and explored.

Course organizer: Catarina Meireles


TraCy Talks: About Beads

8th of March
10:00 Control and Standardization Beads for Flow Cytometry Experiments  
Catarina Meireles, i3S

10:30 Why use Counting and Compensation Beads?    
Raquel Maceiras, i3S

10:50 – Q&A

15th of March
10:00 Cytometric Bead Array (CBA): from intracellular proteins to phosphorylated cell signalling, including cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors, using flow cytometer  
Mónia Pedrosa and Alexandre Salvador, Enzifarma

10:30 Bead-Based immunoassays: an essential tool in immunology with translational application
Salomé Pinho and Inês Alves, i3S

10:50 – Q&A

22nd of March
10:00 Evaluation of Small Extracellular Vesicles by Flow Cytometry, is it really possible?
André Mozes, PTCF EPFL, Lausanne- Switzerland

10:30 An Immunocapture-Based Assay for Detecting Extracellular Vesicles by Conventional Flow Cytometry
Ricardo Jara, Immunostep

11:00 Q&A


i3S members only. Registration is free but mandatory.
Information regarding registration will be announced through institutional email.

The organizer reserves the right to cancel the course in case of an insufficient number of participants or other unforeseeable events that render the execution of the course.
