creating a
healthier future

Experimental Design and Analysis of Data from Animal Experiments – 4th Edition

16-18 February 2022 | i3S, Porto


This three-day course aims at making researchers sufficiently knowledgeable on experimental design and statistics to make results from animal experiments more reliable, robust and reproducible, while avoiding animal waste and complying with the 3Rs of animal research, with particular emphasis on Reduction and Refinement.

Course organizer: Nuno Franco, i3S

Target audience: This course is particularly aimed at researchers responsible for designing and/or carrying out animal experiments. It is also recommended for members of Animal Welfare Bodies or Competent Authorities responsible for evaluating animal research projects.

Course duration: 18h

Course language: English

Requirements: A laptop will be necessary to participate in the course, in order to run the statistics software.


Poster >>



The course will be held at i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde.
Rua Alfredo Allen, 208; 4200-135 Porto, Portugal
Tel: +351 220 408 800 | Site: | E-mail:
GPS coordinates: 41º 10’ 30.008’’ N, 8º 36’ 12.488’’ W.


- Planning for reproducibility in animal research
- Harm-benefit analysis and ethical considerations
- Formulating objectives and testing hypotheses
- Avoidance of bias (randomization, blind assessment, adequate controls)
- Formal experimental designs
- Independent replication and experimental units
- Estimating sample size
- Basic concepts in probability and statistics
- Single and two-factor analysis of variance
- Analysis of covariance
- Data transformations and non-parametric methods
- Multivariate analysis of variance


Derek John Fry - University of Manchester
Pedro Oliveira - ICBAS, University of Porto
Nuno Henrique Franco - i3S, University of Porto


Limited registrations. 

Admission criteria: 
- Course participants should have, as a minimum, a degree in the natural or exact sciences.
- Preference will be given to researchers who use - or are about to use - animals for scientific purposes, or are involved in the design and analysis of animal experiments.


Registration fees*:

  Early bird
Until 17 December 2021 | Payment deadline: 5 January 2022
18 December 2021 to 7 January 2022 | Payment deadline: 13 January 2022
i3S member 200 € 250 €
External participant 250 € 300 €

* Registration fees include coffee breaks.


A certificate of attendance will be assigned to all participants participating in all lectures and exercises. A final exam will be carried out, and for those passing the exam, a certificate stating the passing of an exam will be issued.
The organizer reserves the right to cancel the course in case of an insufficient number of participants or other unforeseeable events that render the execution of the course.

Course pre-registration
Pre-registration form >>

Please note that your pre-registration does not confirm that you have been selected for the course.
Payment will be requested only after confirmation of acceptance. Details for payment will be sent in the confirmation registration e-mail.


More Information:
Advanced Training Unit | E-mail: | Tel: +351 220 408 800