Training Course in Research Ethics/Integrity | 3rd Edition
7, 13 & 15 December 2022; 12, 13 & 19 January, 9 & 16 February, 9 & 16 March, 13 & 20 April, 4 & 18 May, 1 & 22 June 2023 | i3S & Online
This course aims at providing the participants with knowledge and skills of research ethics/integrity. With a broad program on various topics, the course will promote the discussion of case studies within a reflective approach, bearing in mind that this is a field of knowledge with a strong impact on work environment and effective team work. By understanding and critically debating research ethics/integrity-specific issues, the participants will not only increase their awareness and knowledge of the given topics, but they will also be able to design alternative procedures, deliberate on ethical issues and prevent misconduct and questionable practices.
Due to a growing number of scientific fraud reported cases, many documents and guidelines have been issued by the European Community. However, the answer to this problem cannot be restricted to norms and regulatory measures, since without reflective training, this normative approach will fall short of its objectives. Lifelong training in research ethics/integrity is required in order to refocus the attention on good practices, healthy work-life balance, effective team work and reliable science. The Course will use material and strategies from the Embassy of Good Science and the Integrity Project, always aligning with the Horizon Europe guidelines in research ethics.
The course will be blended-learning. The online sessions will consolidate the content shared in the in person sessions and provide participants with the opportunity to interact and discuss ethical and integrity issues based on case studies.
Target audience:
PhD students, PhD holders and Senior Researchers in Biomedical Sciences; Social Sciences; Arts andHumanities Researchers; Researchers/Professionals from other scientific fields
Personal laptop will be necessary to the online sessions.
Course duration:
28 hours of lectures plus 32 hours of individual study for class preparation. Total amount of 60 hours.
Online sessions and classroom lectures combined
requires 80% of course attendance (13 sessions out of 16)
Susana Magalhães, Unit for Responsible Conduct in Research, i3S
This course will be lectured in Portuguese.
Session 1 |
Online session |
13.12.2022 |
17:30-19:00 |
Classroom session |
13.01.2023 |
16:30-18:30 |
Session 2 |
Classroom session |
07.12.2022 |
16:30-18:30 |
Online session |
15.12.2022 |
17:30-19:00 |
Session 3 |
Classroom session |
12.01.2023 |
16:30-18:30 |
Online session |
19.01.2023 |
17:30-19:00 |
Session 4 |
Classroom session |
09.02.2023 |
16:30-18:30 |
Online session |
16.02.2023 |
17:30-19:00 |
Session 5 |
Classroom session |
09.03.2023 |
16:30-18:30 |
Online session |
16.03.2023 |
17.30-19.00 |
Session 6 |
Classroom session |
13.04.2023 |
16:30-18:30 |
Online session |
20.04.2023 |
17.30-19.00 |
Session 7 |
Classroom session |
04.05.2023 |
16:30-18:30 |
Online session |
18.05.2023 |
17.30-19.00 |
Session 8 |
Classroom session |
01.06.2023 |
16:30-18:30 |
Online session |
22.06.2023 |
17.30-19.00 |
1. Fundamentals of Bioethics and Research Ethics
Online Session: 13.12.2022 | Classroom Session: 13.01.2023
Speakers: Susana Magalhães, i3S | Maria do Céu Patrão Neves, Universidade dos Açores
To provide an overview of the ethical issues of research with human beings throughout History (the respect for autonomy and the need to safeguard informed consent; the use of placebo; vulnerable research participants; the respect for confidentiality and integrity).
To revisit and discuss the key principles of human research ethics, mainly the respect for persons, beneficence and justice/equity;
To provide input on the main bioethical principles underlying international and national documents on research ethics and integrity and to analyse how each of these principles can be enacted in the everyday life of a researcher.
To promote reflection on the most sensitive areas of biomedical research and to provide a safe space for ethical deliberation on some case studies.
2. Good Research/er: what it is and why it matters (based on material and strategies of the Embassy of Good Science)
Classroom session: 07.12.2022, 16:30-18:30 | Online session: 15.12.2022, 17:30-19:00
Speakers: Ana Sofia Carvalho, ICBAS-UP; CUF | Susana Magalhães, i3S
To stimulate reflection about the meaning of integrity, good research and good researcher, by using different cases and methodologies of the European Project Virt2UE, that provides a research ethics course based on a virtue ethics approach.
3. Preventing and managing conflicts in research environment : the role of good communication and ethical reflection skills
Classroom session: 12.01.2023, 16:30-18:30 | Online session: 19.01.2023, 17:30-19:00
Speakers: Helena Gonçalves, Católica Porto Business School | Susana Magalhães, i3S
To present different ethical decision models and to train in ethical deliberation.
To anaylse and discuss the different cognitive biases and be aware of the conflicts of interest and their interference in scientific research
To promote awareness of the importance of the organizational ethical environment and the factors that can have a positive impact on it.
To promote the importance of constructive dialogue in order to avoid conflicts and to provide strategies to solve them (when they are not prevented).
4. Authorship | Publications Ethics
Classroom Session: 09.02.2023, 16:30-18:30 | Online session: 16.02.2023, 17:30-19:00
Speakers: Laura Ribeiro (FMUP) | Susana Magalhães, i3S
To discuss good practices and misconduct related to authorship, exploring the impact of Guest, Gift and Ghost Authors on the ethical climate of research performing organizations/academia.
To raise awareness on the integrity issues related with citation and publication biases and its impact on research career.
5. Research Misconduct and Unnacceptable Practices
Classroom session: 09.03.2023, 16:30-18:30 | Online session: 16.03.2023, 17:30-19:00
Speakers: João Ramalho Santos, Universidade de Coimbra; CNECV | Susana Magalhães, i3S
Roundtable: Group Leader (Maria José Oliveira, 3S); Project Manager (Rita Vilaça, i3S); PhD Student (Rodrigo Val D’Oleiros Silva, i3S); Researcher in the Laboratory Animal Science and Member of the i3S Animal Welfare and Ethics Body (ORBEA) (Nuno Franco); Members of an Ethics Committee for Health (Carmen Carvalho, | Maria Strecht, ICBAS/CHUPorto)
To get accurate knowledge of the meaning of Research Misconduct (Falsification, Fabrication and Plagiarism) and to discuss real and hypothetical situations related to plagiarism and to other unacceptable research practices.
To discuss the meaning of ethics and integrity in research from different points of view; to analyze the factors that might contribute to misconduct and unacceptable practices and to share good practices and ways to prevent bad ones.
6. Data Protection and Intellectual Property
Classroom session: 13.04.2023, 16:30-18:30 | Online Session: 20.04.2023, 17:30-19:00
Speakers: Vasco Dias, INESC-TEC | Hugo Prazeres, i3S | Susana Magalhães, i3S
To clearly define the difference between privacy and confidentiality and to raise awareness on the importance of respecting these principles at research performing organizations.
To point out the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to analyze the impact of GDPR on the responsibilities of researchers.
To define the meaning of intelectual property and to present the norms that must be observed in the context of research.
To discuss some practical examples of GDPR breaches and to analyze some grey areas of intellectual property.
7. Open Science
Classroom session: 04.05.2023, 16:30-18:30 | Online session: 18.05.2023, 17:30-19:00
Speakers: Anna Olsson, Laboratory Animal Science - i3S | Pedro Príncipe, Universidade do Minho
To raise awareness on the meaning of terms and concepts, such as: data, data management, data manipulation (research fraud) and to promote reflection and discussion on case studies.
To raise awareness on the meaning of terms and concepts, such as: open science and data management, and to promote reflection and discussion on case studies.
To discuss the importance of making good data management plans (DMP) and to To provide information on useful tools for DMPs and Open Science.
8. Science Communication and Citizen Engagement | Vulnerabilty and Equity in Research
Classroom session: 01.06.2023, 16:30-18:30
Speakers: Júlio Borlido, i3S
Online session: 22.06.2023, 17:30-19:00 Roundtable
Speakers: Ana Delicado, ICS, UL; Filipa Júlio, Associação Portuguesa de Huntington; Ricardo Reis Santos, ISAMB/FMUL
To explore the field of science communication and citizen engagement.
To debate the different perspectives on the term Vulnerability and on the meaning/impact of Equity and Diversity in research.
To understand the importance of discussing ethical issues in research within a dialogical approach, including the voices of all the stakeholders.
To understand the role of ethics committees and to discuss the ethical challenges in biomedical research.
The registration in modules is not possible. It is only possible the register in the full course.
Participants must compromise with attending 80% of the lectures.
i3S members – 25€
External participants – 80€
Pre-registration deadline: 7 November 2022
Payment will be requested only after confirmation of acceptance.
Cancelation policy:
In case of cancellation, the registration fee will not be refunded.
The organizer reserves the right to cancel the course in case of an insufficient number of participants, organizational reasons, or other unforeseeable events that render the execution of the course impossible. The organizer shall immediately inform the pre-registered participants of such changes.
More Information:
Advanced Training Unit | Email: | Tel: +351 226 074 900