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4th Course

Introduction to data analysis and image processing with MATLAB


Quantification is an essential component in every scientific domain. And innovation frequently falls on the ability to extract more information from the same experimental data. This is an introductory "hands-on" course where the concepts and techniques will be explored directly in the MATLAB environment. MATLAB is a well-established tool in scientific and technical computing, with key advantages such as being extremely versatile/powerful and easy to learn. This course is especially suited for people engaged in research wanting to start using MATLAB in the context of scientific data analysis and image processing (quantification). Participants are invited to bring their own data and an analysis problem of interest to be addressed in the course (as a project), with the help of the tutors.


Lecturer: Paulo de Castro Aguiar, i3S / INEB |

TA: Ana Filipa Gerós, i3S / INEB

Dates: April 16 - 18, 2018 (Mon, Tue and Wed, 3 days)

Place: i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde | Meeting Room A



Introduction to computer algorithms.
The MATLAB environment.
Variables and basic array operations.
Strategies for representing numerical/scientific problems in a computer.
Plotting data.
MATLAB programming.
Creating functions and scripts.
Automating data analysis.
Image analysis: images as arrays of data values; importing images and metadata; operations on image data; filtering; segmentation; morphological operations; properties measurements

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Before March 9th: 150EUR // Payment deadline: March 16th

Between March 10th and April 13th: 200EUR // Payment deadline: April 13th


(registrations accepted up to a maximum of 20 participants)

Pre requisites: none - previous experience with MATLAB is not required

Participants are asked to bring their laptops (a MATLAB trial version is available)


MORE INFORMATION: | +351 220 408 811