creating a
healthier future

Workshop on Cancer Research, Biological & Molecular Basis, 13th edition

16-19 September 2024 | i3S, Porto

This workshop is focused on Cancer Research addressing the key cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying cancer development and progression. i3S researchers with expertise in the different topics of cancer research will present theoretical and practical sessions. This cancer research workshop will focus on the state-of-the-art and address recent advances in the field as well as technical and methodological approaches.

Target: Researchers, Oncology Researchers, PhD students, Postdoctoral researchers

Course duration: approx. 40 hours of student workload

Course Format: The workshop includes theoretical sessions, practical sessions, self-study and final assessment*

Language: English

Organizing Committee: Celso Reis, Salomé Pinho, Fátima Gärtner

(*see certificates)

Poster >>




The course will be held at i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde.
Rua Alfredo Allen, 208; 4200-135 Porto, Portugal
Tel: +351 226 074 900 | E-mail:
GPS coordinates: 41º 10’ 30.008’’ N, 8º 36’ 12.488’’ W.


Theoretical Component
Oncopathology: from tissue to genes and back to tissues | Manuel Sobrinho-Simões
Cancer genetics: oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes | The Raquel Seruca´s lecture | Carla Oliveira
Tumor cell growth: proliferation, apoptosis and metabolism | Paula Soares; Valdemar Máximo
Cancer stemness | Joana Paredes
Cell and tissue differentiation in Cancer | Raquel Almeida
Glycobiology in cancer | Celso A. Reis; Salomé Pinho
Tumor immunology | José Carlos Machado
Microbiome and cancer | Céu Figueiredo
Introduction to experimental in vivo models | Fátima Gärtner
Translating research into value in oncology | André Albergaria

Practical Component
Immunodetection techniques: IHQ, PLA
Experimental Models
Western Blot


Manuel Sobrinho-Simões
André Albergaria
Carla Oliveira
Celso A. Reis
Céu Figueiredo
Fátima Gärtner
Joana Paredes
José Carlos Machado
Paula Soares
Raquel Almeida
Salomé Pinho
Valdemar Máximo
Ângela Fernandes
Hugo Osório
Joana Gomes
Marta T. Pinto


The registration fee includes coffee breaks and workshop materials.
The number of participants is limited to 30.

Certificates: A certificate of attendance will be assigned to all participants participating in all lectures and practical sessions. A final exam will be carried out, and for those passing the exam, an approval certificate will be issued.

Pre-registration deadline: 3rd July 2024

Students from Post-Graduate Programs from the University of Porto (Doctoral and Master) – 120 €
Regular registration – 180€

Pre-registration form >>

Please note that your pre-registration does not confirm that you have been selected for the course.
Instructions for fee payment will be provided after confirmation of acceptance.

Cancelation policy:
The i3S will apply the following cancelation policy.

Cancellation by the course participant
In case a registered participant wishes to cancel a payed registration or does not attend the course, the registration fee will not be refunded.
Substitutions will only be made in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the course organisers.

Cancellation by the Institution
The i3S reserves the right to cancel the course, in case of an insufficient number of participants, organizational reasons, or other unforeseeable events that render the execution of the course impossible. In case of cancelation by the organization the fee will be refunded. In addition, i3S reserves the right to amend course times, dates or published prices if absolutely necessary. The organizer shall immediately inform the pre-registered participants of these alterations. Any cancellation or substitution requests should be requested by e-mail.


More information:
Advanced Training Unit | E-mail: | Tel: +351 226 074 900