Course on Optical Microscopy Imaging for Biosciences | 15th edition
31 March-4 April 2025 | i3S, Porto
The 15th edition of the Course on Optical Microscopy Imaging for Biosciences offers the participants a comprehensive microscopy course that explores the forefront of imaging technologies—Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) and Super-Resolution Microscopy. This course is designed for scientist microscopy enthusiasts aiming gain an in-depth understanding of these advanced techniques. The course will progress seamlessly from experimental planning to quantitative image analysis. It features theoretical lectures delivered by experts in the field and hands-on practical modules supported by leading microscopy companies. Participants will have the unique opportunity to work directly with high-end microscopy technology, gaining invaluable practical experience.
Course Coordination: Paula Sampaio, i3S; Maria Azevedo, i3S
Target audience: MSc / PhD students, researchers, and scientists in general
Course duration: 35-40 hours
Course language: English
Certificate: The attendees must attend a minimum of 80% of the course duration
The course will be held at i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde.
Rua Alfredo Allen, 208; 4200-135 Porto, Portugal
Tel: +351 220 408 800 | Site: | E-mail:
GPS coordinates: 41º 10’ 30.008’’ N, 8º 36’ 12.488’’ W.
1. Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM):
- Fundamentals of fluorescence lifetime.
- Instrumentation and data acquisition strategies.
- Applications in cellular biology.
2. Super-Resolution Microscopy Techniques:
- Principles and methodologies: STED, SMLM, SIM, and expansion microscopy.
- Comparison of techniques: strengths, limitations, and use cases.
- Practical approaches for achieving nanometer-scale resolution.
3. Data Analysis and Interpretation:
- Software tools for FLIM and super-resolution data processing.
- Quantitative analysis.
- Best practices for reproducibility and accuracy in imaging studies.
4. Hands-On Practical Sessions:
- Guided lab activities with cutting-edge microscopy systems.
- Real-world case studies and troubleshooting.
Alessandro Rossetta, FLIM Labs Srl
Antonio Pereira, i3S
Bruno Pannunzio, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Bruno Schuty, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Carol Harley, i3S
Carolina Feliciano, ITQB NOVA
Joana Oliveira, i3S
John Robert Pearson, Leica Microsistemas SL
Leonel Malacrida, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Maria Azevedo, i3S
Paula Sampaio, i3S
Pedro Pereira, ITQB NOVA
Registration fee includes coffee breaks and course materials.
Limited number of participants: 20
Registration | Until 16th February 2025 (Payment deadline: 16th February 2025)
i3S members / P.CCC Raquel Seruca members - 350€
External Participants - 490€
Cancelation policy:
The i3S will apply the following cancelation policy.
Cancellation by the course participant
In case a registered participant wishes to cancel a paid registration or does not attend the course, the registration fee will not be refunded.
Substitutions will only be made in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the course organisers.
Cancellation by the Institution
The i3S reserves the right to cancel the course, in case of an insufficient number of participants, organizational reasons, or other unforeseeable events that render the execution of the course impossible. In case of cancellation by the organization, the fee will be refunded. In addition, i3S reserves the right to amend course times, dates or published prices if absolutely necessary. The organizer shall immediately inform the pre-registered participants of these alterations. Any cancellation or substitution requests should be requested by e-mail.
More information:
Advanced Training Unit | E-mail: | Tel: +351 226 074 900