creating a
healthier future

5th Edition

Training Course Genetics in Family Medicine

12th April 2019 | Auditorium Corino de Andrade, i3S


The CGPP organizes the 5th edition of the training course Genetics in Family Medicine.

The aim of these courses is to enable health professionals working in primary care can update their knowledge and skills in genetics. In the long term, we hope to contribute to an improvement in health care provided to patients with genetic diseases, or concerned about potential genetic risks. So, the invited speakers address issues relevant in a practical format, based on the presentation of clinical cases and red flags for a referral to Genetics services, supported by tools and resources adapted to daily practice at Primary care.




Your registration will be confirmed by e-mail after pre-registration deadline. Payment will be request after the registration confirmation. The course organizers reserve the right to cancel the course if the participants’ minimum is not guaranteed.




